Saturday, July 4, 2009

Building Boy!!

We had a bit of drama at Eensie's five year check up this year. He figured out before we got into the office that he would be getting his kindy shots. He was not happy about this and I don't blame him, last year he had to get a total of 10 different shots in a two month period. I told him that if he didn't have his shots that he couldn't go to kindy - yep, he didn't really care! He would be perfectly happy to go back to Miss Jolie!! I finally bribed him that I would buy him a Lego kit after he was done - that my friends did the trick!!

Now, I'm not saying that the shots went well...after a few minutes of me struggling to put my "thick" five year old up on the table, the other nurse called in reinforcements!! We had two nurses and me holding him down. Right as they were about to give him the shots he said, "I just have one thing to say..." (oh the drama!!). I said, "What honey?" and he replied, "I just want to say that I love you"!!!! Okay, it made me cry and laugh all at the same time!! Thankfully, my brave, sweet Eens made it through his shots!!!

The next day (after his first sleepover with his best friend, "American" Henry!!), we went to Target to buy what I assumed would be a smaller Lego kit. Oh no, Target sucked me in as usual and we bought a big helicopter with submarine and loads of other things that I'm not sure I needed!! He could not wait to get back to Great Grandma's to build his prize...

Here are the results (and yes, he did it all by himself!)...

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