Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Kimler Fest 2009

Thank goodness for family!!  We may not always be on the same page, but we are always there for one another!  I have said it many times, but I really do not know if I would be able to have the courage to live in another country if I didn't have my family's support!!  This year especially, I was looking forward to spending some quality time with my family at our (attempted) annual Kimler Fest.  My aunts put on quite a little shindig with games and a bounce house for the kids, drinks for the adults, food, and typically a water gun/balloon fight!
Preparing for revenge in the water fight!

Gillian having fun with her daddy and envisioning  next year when she will be old enough to play in the bounce house!!

Enjoying some bubble time...

Only one little incident on the bounce house...Coop fell off the side, but he went right back to bouncing!

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