Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Back to Iowa!!

This past week, the kids and I spent almost 4 days in Bettendorf and I can hardly believe that two years has passed since we moved. It still feels like “home” and that is because of the wonderful friends we have there. Our friends happily give up their time and pull their kids from activities just to spend time with us! We are completely overwhelmed by the love and support that we still get when we go back! Honestly, I imagined that the more time that passed, the more distance would grow between us, but that is just not the case! We have all changed in many ways, but the friendships that we built are still strong!!

While we were in Bettendorf we spent time at the doctor’s office getting check-ups for all of the kids! They are growing like little weeds - El is in the 75th percentile for height, Eens is in the 60th, and Coop is in the 70th! Coop also passed the 10th percentile for weight and is now in the 35th percent!! The only issue that came up was that Coop failed the hearing test for his left ear twice. The doctor was actually hoping to find an ear infection or wax to help explain this, but she didn’t. She explained that one of the antibiotics used to treat sepsis (bacteria in the bloodstream) during his stay in the NICU can cause hearing loss. I’m not extremely worried yet because his speech is very clear, so I am hoping that this was just a fluke. My sweet, sweet sister-in-law works as a physician’s assistant in an ENT office and she is on the case! We are hoping to take him over to Peoria this week at some point and have more tests run on him! Other than that, they are healthy and I am thankful!!!

I do not have many pictures because I spent so much time chatting and the kids were completely in their element with their friends, so I just forgot to snap away!! I’m not sure the camera could have captured the joy that was on the kids faces anyway!! I left as always with a lump in my throat, but this time, there was also hope in my heart that soon we will be back...

More to Love!!

One of our favorite parts of the summer is being reunited with our sweet Jenni. We miss her so much when we are in China and now that she is almost 12 years old, we appreciate all of the time that we have with her. I must say, that even though she is a bit of an old lady, thanks to my brother and sister-in-law, she is doing great!! The only difference I noticed from Christmas was that she has gained about 10 pounds!! We just look at the weight gain as there is more of her to love!!

She is not the only pup in our lives who packed on a few winter pounds!! My parent’s lab also looks a bit big from behind!! When I first saw her, I just started giggling, but once again, there is just more of her to love!!

The kids love playing with all the dogs and the dogs love (or should I say, are tolerant of) the kids! Eens just rests his head on them, Coop teases them and enjoys to play chase, while Ellie takes care of them. She has enjoyed it so much this summer that she has told me numerous times that she wants to volunteer at an animal shelter when we get back to the US!!

Beating the Heat!!

We have been doing everything we can to stay cool over these past two weeks! The temperatures have been in the 90’s since we arrived at my parent’s house and we are loving every minute of it! Last year we did not get to spend nearly enough time at the pool because it was unseasonably cool the entire time we were back! This summer we have been in the pirate pool numerous times, the slip and slide, splash parks, and to the pool! Ellie loves the water and has since she was about 4, and I am happy to report that Eens and Coop are now becoming little fish. Eens played in 3 foot of water all by himself and Coop dumps or puts his head under water any chance he gets! I love the water, so I really want them to feel comfortable and safe while they are swimming. I’m looking forward to the time when they can go to swim lessons and learn the basics, but I guess it will be easier for them if they are already comfortable in the water!

Eens hiding from me under the water!!
El after going down one of the slides!
Eens stuck to the small slides - he said maybe when he is 8 he will go down the big ones!!
Coop, the fish, swimming in the little pool!!
El and Gracie at a splash park!
Sweet Gillian!
Cool Eens (so cool in fact that he did not get in his swim trunks!) with his funny cousin Jackson!

I'm pretty sure we are not depriving them from the joys of childhood this summer!! We're just hoping that the weather continues to be nice so we can enjoy the fresh, clean air!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Shiver Me Timbers!!

"Shiver me timbers," screamed my sweet nephew Jackson as all 6 cousins piled in a pirate ship pool designed for maybe 3 small children!! During the school year Ethan would constantly draw pictures of his pirate ship pool that we had for two summers. He associated that with his "home" in America! Unfortunately last summer the fantastic pirate pool was punctured and had to be put on the side of the road. I vowed last summer that I would find another one, but it was too late! This year beginning in April, Eens started asking about his pirate pool, so I did an extensive internet search and finally found one! After just one week, this pool has gotten more use than any pool we have ever had - it is HOT out!!

We are truly enjoying these carefree days of summer!!

One Day at a Time

The kids and I have now been in the US for 9 days and we are all just starting to feel "normal"!! This round of jet lag has by far been the worst. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that we have lived in China for two years and spend 10 months out of the year in that time zone, so now coming to America, is completely "abnormal" for us?!! I am just thankful that I can think straight again! I told my sister several times over this past week that strange thoughts kept going through my head and I really had to stop myself from giggling at inappropriate times.

The first few nights after we arrived I had either Eens or Coop up throughout the night. I then introduced my friend Benadryl to them and they started to sleep. Of course, right when I get them sleeping through the night, I start staying up till all hours and then wanting to sleep very late in the morning! I am very thankful for all of the help I have received during this time, but I sense that my mom would really like to get our day started before 11 or 12!!!

We have a very full summer this year and I anticipate that it will fly by!! Last week we recuperated, this week we have a full week of appointments and visits with friends, next week more visiting with friends and family, then a week in Florida to relax, and finally it will be wedding time!!! After the wedding, Danny will stay with us in the US until we go back to China to start our FINAL year!!! I think it is going to be a wonderful summer holiday!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

More Good-Byes

“To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.”

I received this quote from one of my dearest friends Saturday morning, and it could not have come at a more appropriate time. Friday we had to say good-bye to too many friends. Tears still fill my eyes when I think about the big gap that will be left to fill in August when we return.

Ethan said good-bye to his best friend for the past two years - he is doing okay, but I see the sadness in his eyes. No one will replace Markus according to Eens! Markus is silly and extremely caring. I know he always protected Ethan and included him (even though Eens did not understand Danish)! Thank you Markus for being such a good friend to my sweet Eens! You will be missed greatly, but not forgotten! Of course, along with Markus goes his sweet mommy! I could not look her in the eyes when I had to give her a big hug yesterday. Many people at our school tend to socialize within their own nationalities (which of course is completely understandable!), but Marianne always put in the extra effort to make friends with everyone. She has a huge heart and will be extremely missed!

We also had to say good-bye to Ethan’s teacher, Karen. Karen and Jackie, the two kindergarden teachers, are often called the dream team at our school. This statement is entirely true, and I am so grateful we were fortunate to learn from them! I say we, because not only did they teach Eens to read and write, they also taught me, through example, how to be firm, but fair, compassionate, and caring all at the same time!! We will cherish all of the memories that were made this year!!! Thanks for a wonderful year!!

The children each decorated a quilt square and then a very good friend sewed it together to present to Karen!!

Another teacher that will not be gracing the hallways with her presence, is Eensie’s teacher from last year, Ms. Joely Ann! She always had a smile on her face and the most positive things to say, even though life in Tianjin was not always easy for her! She will be moving on to Shanghai where life for a young, single woman will be much more exciting!! We will all miss her, as she formed a bond with all of my children, and myself! Best of luck on a new beginning!!

A good-bye that hits really close to home are our dear friends that previously lived in Germantown Hills, where my sister lives! We automatically had a connection and my heart is very sad that she is moving on to Jakarta with her family! Sue started our knitting group and she kept me up to date with all of the latest and greatest in technology and life in Tianjin! She has lived in Tianjin for the past 3 1/2 years, so it is time to move on. I wish her and her huge heart the best in Jakarta!!

So, as I was packing over these past few days, my heart was heavy. I feel bad that while talking to my mom, who is so excited to see us she can hardly sit still, I can’t share in that excitement quite yet. For me, to be super excited to go home, means I have to be super excited to say good-bye to people that have been a big part of our lives over the past two years.

I do trust that we have been put in our situation with great care, and I try my best to handle the good and the bad with grace! I am protected and I am grateful for the faith that surrounds me!!

A Day of Pampering

On Thursday, I thought Steph needed a bit of pampering. She had been with us a week and our hectic, non-stop schedule is not easy for anyone to keep up with, especially when you are fighting jet lag!!

We started off our morning at the Westin. I enjoyed a facial, while Steph enjoyed a 90 minute massage. Straight away I knew it might be a little interesting when they wanted to put us in the same room! I had to explain that a facial is a bit loud with the water running off and on and it was only going to last 60 minutes! They agreed and we walked back to the rooms. I almost always have a woman massaging me, so I was a little surprised when I found out Steph would have a man. I think she was more surprised, but she really wasn’t going to pass up a massage! I told him to take good care of her! I think he did a good job because she was pretty relaxed when she was finished!

After a yummy lunch, I had to go to school, so I sent Steph back home to have her nails done! She now has beautiful nails for the summer!

Unfortunately, after a day like this, I’m pretty sure Steph questions how I can ever complain about our life in China!!

The Circus was in Town

On Wednesday night, Danny, Steph and I were treated to a special show! The children put on their spring show at school! The theme was “The Circus Comes to Town”! The music teacher did an amazing job this year of combining singing, a bit of acting, dancing, and pure silliness to make it a great show!!

Coop was able to dress up in whatever costume he wanted. I’m sure this will be a big surprise to all of you, he chose Batman! He was thrilled when his BFF showed up wearing Batman also! As you can see, they were very protective over their sweet Lucy!!

Eensie’s class dressed up as the “mane” event, the ferocious lions! Eens had the opportunity to be a box lion, which meant he stood on a box, struck a pose, and didn’t move. To be quite honest, I was a little worried about him because he didn’t even twitch!! The make-up he had on didn’t help matters because you couldn’t even see his mouth moving while he was singing!!

Ellie was a very lucky little girl - she was a show pony! She couldn’t have been happier! She danced to the Mexican Hat with all of the other 2nd graders! She looked very graceful, just like a show pony should!!

(Ellie is in the turquoise head piece!!)


Not only is Steph super sporty, she is also a fantastic shopper! Because of this, I decided that an entire day should be devoted to shopping in Beijing! We started the morning with a ride on the fast train in hopes that we would arrive to the shops quicker than if we took a car! The train, of course, delivered it’s promise and got us to Beijing in 27 minutes, however the taxi driver took the slowest route possible, so we were stuck in the taxi for almost 45 minutes!

We started our shopping spree at Yashow (a smaller, tamer version of the silk market!). Steph had a necklace handmade for her upcoming wedding. It is really pretty, so I hope it matches her dress! She picked out the pearls and the clasp - which is a really cool flower! After that we went shoe shopping in the basement. The shoes must be fakes, but they seem to be good quality! I guess time will tell after the kids wear them this summer!

After our morning shopping, we were famished, so we went to try a restaurant close by which had rave reviews from some of my friends! It was called Mosto and it was delicious! I had a gorgonzola risotto with plums - too rich to eat the whole thing, but very yummy! Steph had a pasta with sun-dried tomatoes, basil, and fresh parmesan - it was another good choice! We were completely stuffed after we finished lunch, so we decided to walk and experience some of the local flair of Beijing on our way to the Silk Market!

All I can say is Steph was in heaven at the Silk Market. We bought some gifts on the upper floors and then headed to the basement for the purses!! Steph takes her shopping very seriously, so I allotted an hour for her to purse shop (even that wasn’t enough!). I use the same lady all of the time so I don’t have to bargain and she just goes and brings everything to us. It is much more convenient this way and saves me from a big headache! Steph walked out with a large black garbage bag full of wonderful goodies!!

At the end of our long shopping day, my driver was waiting for us to take us home!! I think our day was a big success!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Second Time Around was Not Any Better!!

Steph and I have always liked a little adventure and we both enjoy being active! She is the only reason I was able to finish the Chicago Marathon!! So, I thought it would be a great idea to try and conquer my fear of the Great Wall with her! On Monday, I took her to the same part of the Wall that Danny and I ran last year. I had high hopes that this time I would be brave and not clinging to the railing (when there was only about 1 foot between me and the drop off!)! Unfortunately, the Wall defeated me once again, and I am still feeling "her" pain as I walk down my stairs!! Steph, on the other hand, made the whole hike seem like the easiest thing in the world! In fact, at one point, as I'm holding on for dear life, she is waltzing down the slope talking to Jeff on the phone!
We're still all smiles here!!Skype even works on the Great Wall - pretty cool!!Steph finally got a little intimidated towards the end of the hike! It was like a ramp with a big drop off! We felt a bit bad because there was a school group of children who were probably 9 - 10 and we had to tell the sweet things to go around us! Neither of us were letting go of the Wall- not even for a second!
The Wall is still very majestic to me - it is such a remarkable piece of man's work! And, I probably will try this part again - third times a charm, right?!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Welcome to China Steph!!

The long awaited day finally arrived...Steph arrived in China! When we had made the decision to move to China, Steph was the first to say she would visit! I’m not sure if she was so gung ho when it was time to get on the plane (I heard there were plenty of tears!), but she made it safe and sound and we couldn’t be happier to have her! We have spent the past two days exploring Beijing, both the old and the new!

On Thursday night, shortly after her arrival, we took her straight to Wangfujing Street where we treated her to an American meal followed by the opportunity to try some of China’s finest cuisine - sheep testicles, beetles, or scorpions! She passed on all of the above, and settled on Haagen Daaz! It was a beautiful night and not too crowded because it was still a week night! The kids could not get enough of Aunt Steph! It was a great introduction to Beijing!

After our jaunt, we came back to the hotel and ordered up foot massagers! Danny was treated like a king, but Steph and I were spoiled by our ladies who gave great massages that were not terribly painful!

On Friday morning poor Steph was up bright and early (jet lag stinks!), so we went to the Forbidden City area straight away! We started at Tian’anmen Square. It was quite busy with many tour groups, but we opted to go to the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall to see Mao Zedong’s embalmed body anyway. It was the first time I had been inside this Hall. We almost didn’t get in due to Steph’s strapless shirt, but ignorance is bliss, so we kept walking!! Danny stayed outside with the bags, but we took the children in. Once we went through several security check points, we were inside. It is actually quite a small building, the first room is where you can put any flowers that you may have purchased, and the second room houses the body. The kids were quite impressed, especially the boys who couldn’t stop talking about how they had seen a dead man today! I probably should have left them outside with Danny!! I always find Tian’anmen to be a good reminder that we do live in a communist country where our movements are kept track of. There are plenty of clothed guards walking around the square, but there are also many plain clothed guards acting as civilians watching your every move.

How many people can fit into a bus to use the toilet?? We kept our distance!

After Tian’anmen we went through the underground tunnel to the other side of the street where the Forbidden City, in all of it’s glory stands. I have been there many times now, but I still love to go! The more I learn about it, the better pictures I am able to produce in my mind as we walk through about the people who lived there and what their lives were like! It is fascinating and I think Steph really enjoyed herself! She listened to an audio tour while we walked so she got an idea of what everything was!

Trying to keep cool - it was hot!!
Steph's first witnessing of eliminating waste on the sidewalk!
Walking the path of the emperor!

Once we reached the other end of the “city” we found rickshaws to take us through a hutong area. This was the first time we had visited the hutongs. The kids loved the rickshaw, but Steph and I were a bit worried that ours might break - it creaked a little too much for my liking!! The hutongs are made up of several courtyard residences. The conditions are poor in many of these areas now, but long ago, when only one family resided in a house, they were considered very desirable. Over the past fifty years, many families had to move in together, and many hutong areas have been replaced with high rises and roads. Some hutong areas are now being protected by the government as a way to preserve this part of Beijing’s past!

After a stop at Hooter’s (or as the boys’ say “boobs”) for lunch and a little rest, we took Steph to the Red Theater to watch a little Kung Fu. It was an entertaining show, except for some of the dramatic parts - they were a little over the top!! Steph watched about half of it, the rest of the time I caught her laying back, eyes closed, and mouth wide opened!!

Today we ventured to the Silk Market for a tiny preview! It is very overwhelming and since we are planning a trip there on Tuesday, we thought we would just walk around a little!! Danny did end up ordering a custom made suit - we are all very curious as to how that will turn out! We picked up odds and ends, but decided against going to the basement where the shoes and purses are - Steph will be there for ages and it is tight quarters down there - I thought we would save the kids from the trauma of being touched all over!!

We then went and explored the more modern Sanlitun shopping and eating area! We ate at a restaurant called Element Fresh, which is a Shanghai chain! It was packed and for a good reason - the food was really yummy!!

Our last stop on our whirlwind tour of Beiing was to the Bird’s Nest. It is a very cool structure, although totally underused!

Our time together with Steph is only just beginning!! We are so thankful she was willing to come all the way to us - thank you Steph!! We’re looking forward to 8 more wonderful days!!