Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This is what you get...

I took El to the doctor on Tuesday because she had been battling a cough for over a week and it wasn't getting better. I talked to her teacher and she told me that 9 out of 23 kids were out with two hospitalized, so there was no way I was taking any chances of her getting worse. Due to the amount of illnesses spreading like wildfires around here, I couldn't get into the Western doctor, therefore, I had to see the Chinese doctor who practices Western medicine. She is actually very thorough, but I am beginning to wonder if her diagnosis of Coop having asthma is correct because right after I told her that El had a cough she asked if we had any history of asthma in the family. When I explained that we had some, I could tell her mind was thinking that this was asthma. I convinced her that Ellie did not have asthma and that she was sick and I thought it was time to start antibiotics. Thankfully after a thorough exam, she agreed with me and gave us all of this...
After almost two days on all these meds, Ellie is starting to feel better and is going back to school tomorrow! Thank goodness, she can't be sick for her birthday!!

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