Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Sweet Ellie Bean!!

Yes, on Friday, my sweet, sweet daughter turned 8 years old! I cannot believe I am the mother to an 8 year old. Being Ellie's mom has made me a better person, she is very wise. She teaches me new things everyday and through her, I am constantly reminded of the true beauty that there is in this world. She reminds me to take time to play, even if it is just for 15 minutes - we all feel better after we have spent quality time together. She reminds me that cuddles are necessary everyday and the best cuddles are in the morning under a warm blanket!! She reminds me that being a child is exciting - the world is a playground and she loves to make new friends and soak up everything!! She reminds me to take risks, even though we may not like it, we won't know until we try! And, she reminds me to use my imagination and creativity to make everyday exciting!! The one thing she will never have to remind me to do is to love her unconditionally, with all of my heart!! I am so proud and honored to be her mommy!!

Happy birthday El!! I hope you enjoyed your turkey and pumpkin pie cake!! (According to Ellie, Thanksgiving dinner is the perfect birthday food - thank goodness her birthday is always close to Thanksgiving!!)

1 comment:

Sharon Hicks said...

What a beautiful girl. Happy Birthday, ellie! Mine will be NINE in January!!! where do the years go...