Friday, November 20, 2009

Going, going,

and down to the tummy it goes!! Eens lost his first tooth on Wednesday at some point during the night!! He woke up on Thursday morning, and doing what must have been a daily ritual, started moving his tongue towards his loose tooth. He looked at me and said, "It's not loose anymore!" and right away I knew exactly what happened - he'd swallowed it! We proceeded to the bathroom to look in the mirror and sure enough there was a big gap where the tooth had once been!! He sobbed and sobbed because he had swallowed it!! I only found out about thirty minutes later, after assuring him that we could make a tooth out of clay and the tooth fairy would still come, that he was mostly upset about the possible missed opportunity for money!!

Last night before bed he proudly composed a lovely letter to the tooth fairy and made a beautiful yellow clay tooth!! You can see the tooth on the right side of the paper!!
Danny told him he needed to start watching his poop for the next couple of days and looking for the tooth. Needless to say, I am not enjoying this little endeavor of leaning over the toilet and searching! Thanks honey!

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