Thursday, March 12, 2009

Choices, choices!!

There are so many restaurants in Tianjin, but we usually eat at the same ones over and over! The main reason for this is that we know we all like the food that is served and the kids can sit still during the meal!! This weekend we tried two new restaurants and one of our favorites!!

On Saturday, Danny went to South Beauty (we tried it last week in Beijing, but discovered there is one in Tianjin - yippee!!) and picked up take out for him and I! He ordered 7 different dishes so we could figure out which ones we liked! They were all spicy, two were so spicy that Danny took one bite and delivered them to our spice loving next door neighbor!!

On Sunday we went out to lunch after fellowship with our dear adventurous friends!! Jen and Kevin decided that it would be fun to go to a Mongolian restaurant. The main meat dishes were lamb (which I don't eat because I used to help my dad deliver baby lambs when we lived in the "country" when I was little!!), but they also had some pork dishes and some delicious vegetarian dishes! I'm even eating and enjoying eggplant here - according to El, I am quite the "risk-taker"! Besides the good food, Jen knew we would be entertained by the singers. There were about 10 of them who came into our private room and sang at the top of their lungs. It was the most interesting singing I think I have ever heard! I looked at Coop and he had his hands on his ears - I thought he might cry, but he couldn't quite take his eyes off of the commotion! The one thing I am not sure of is what the white clothes were for!! It was a fun experience and one I would definitely go to again, except I have no idea what the name of the restaurant is!!! Hehe - that's pretty typical here!

Sunday afternoon Ellie's art teachers came back - boy were we excited!! I think they were just as excited. Both of their families live quite far away, they are here studying at one of the universities so they basically have each other. We love opening our home to the two of them - they are so sweet with all of the kids, Ellie is learning a ton, and they are teaching Danny and I more about the "local" culture! We asked them to come to dinner with us at our favorite restaurant, Din Tai Feng (only the 3rd time I ate there this week!) and they quickly agreed! We had a lovely chat while the kids played in the playroom! They help us with our Chinese and we try and teach them more English. It is a win-win situation and we are so thankful that they are a part of our lives here!!
It was a great weekend of eating and socializing...two of the things I do best!!!

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