Sunday, June 13, 2010

More Good-Byes

“To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.”

I received this quote from one of my dearest friends Saturday morning, and it could not have come at a more appropriate time. Friday we had to say good-bye to too many friends. Tears still fill my eyes when I think about the big gap that will be left to fill in August when we return.

Ethan said good-bye to his best friend for the past two years - he is doing okay, but I see the sadness in his eyes. No one will replace Markus according to Eens! Markus is silly and extremely caring. I know he always protected Ethan and included him (even though Eens did not understand Danish)! Thank you Markus for being such a good friend to my sweet Eens! You will be missed greatly, but not forgotten! Of course, along with Markus goes his sweet mommy! I could not look her in the eyes when I had to give her a big hug yesterday. Many people at our school tend to socialize within their own nationalities (which of course is completely understandable!), but Marianne always put in the extra effort to make friends with everyone. She has a huge heart and will be extremely missed!

We also had to say good-bye to Ethan’s teacher, Karen. Karen and Jackie, the two kindergarden teachers, are often called the dream team at our school. This statement is entirely true, and I am so grateful we were fortunate to learn from them! I say we, because not only did they teach Eens to read and write, they also taught me, through example, how to be firm, but fair, compassionate, and caring all at the same time!! We will cherish all of the memories that were made this year!!! Thanks for a wonderful year!!

The children each decorated a quilt square and then a very good friend sewed it together to present to Karen!!

Another teacher that will not be gracing the hallways with her presence, is Eensie’s teacher from last year, Ms. Joely Ann! She always had a smile on her face and the most positive things to say, even though life in Tianjin was not always easy for her! She will be moving on to Shanghai where life for a young, single woman will be much more exciting!! We will all miss her, as she formed a bond with all of my children, and myself! Best of luck on a new beginning!!

A good-bye that hits really close to home are our dear friends that previously lived in Germantown Hills, where my sister lives! We automatically had a connection and my heart is very sad that she is moving on to Jakarta with her family! Sue started our knitting group and she kept me up to date with all of the latest and greatest in technology and life in Tianjin! She has lived in Tianjin for the past 3 1/2 years, so it is time to move on. I wish her and her huge heart the best in Jakarta!!

So, as I was packing over these past few days, my heart was heavy. I feel bad that while talking to my mom, who is so excited to see us she can hardly sit still, I can’t share in that excitement quite yet. For me, to be super excited to go home, means I have to be super excited to say good-bye to people that have been a big part of our lives over the past two years.

I do trust that we have been put in our situation with great care, and I try my best to handle the good and the bad with grace! I am protected and I am grateful for the faith that surrounds me!!

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