Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Joys of Jet Lag!

Arriving in Chicago last Sunday was wonderful, but unfortunately that elated feeling of being "home" only lasted for a short while! Jet lag for my children set in immediately, so Sunday night we were up from about midnight until 6:00am when exhaustion took over and we fell asleep until 1:00pm! At that point, I was completely frustrated because I felt like I was losing precious time enjoying the US!

I find it very difficult fighting jet lag with three children. It seems like when I get one to sleep, another one wakes up, and then the last one wakes up, and then we start the whole vicious cycle again. I tried the Benadryl, which made two of them bounce off the walls. Then I begged my doctor for the correct dose of melatonin for 3 year olds (he's the worst when it comes to jet lag), but he told me it is much better if their natural clock resets itself. I'm not a big fan of Coopie's natural clock!!

I have read that it takes one day for every hour of time difference you have travelled through. The time difference we are battling against is 13 hours - uhhhh!! Every night I get all comfy and wait for the little voice asking me if it is morning yet! I know it will get better (and it already is!), but then I think to myself that I get to do it all over again in about 6 weeks!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My pediatrician is a melatonin fan...the boys (3 1/2 yrs) take 2.5mg each. hope that helps! Welcome home!