Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome Baby Gillian Tyra!!

I am very happy to announce that my niece was born on Monday at 6:03 pm!! She weighed in at 7 pounds 15 1/2 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long!! Congratulations T and Chris!! She arrived just in time for our arrival back in the states and to go to my brother's wedding!! We are very blessed to be able to go home to meet Gillian and celebrate Rob and Steph's wedding! We can't wait!!

Two out of five of our bags are packed and already loaded!! I filled some of those suitcases with more suitcases so I have plenty of room to bring back the things that we desperately miss. Unfortunately family and friends won't fit!! We plan on leaving our house tomorrow morning at 10:00 - that gives us 6 hours to get to Beijing, check in, eat lunch, find our gate, and let the kids run!!! Please pray for a safe and healthy trip!! We'll update as soon as we can!!

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