Thursday, January 7, 2010

Working Woman!!

Before we left for the US, I was asked to substitute for Grade 1 during the week we returned from holiday. I'm not sure what part of my brain was working when I agreed to do this! So, this week I have spent my days with little 1st graders who are darling, but at the same time, a bit of work. By the end of the day I have been completely wiped out, so after I do a little shredding (thank you Steph - I'm still sore!), I am passed out on the couch.

Danny commented last night that I am really doing a good job of sealing my fate for not having to go back to work. I'm not usually a complainer, but I think working, jet lag, and winter blues have all done me in! He even said that if I was a devious person, he might think I was putting on an act of being so tired and not having any time just so he will encourage me never to go back to work!! I explained to him that it is hard for me because if I were a full time teacher I would get a little break (or should I say peace) after the students left and before I got my children, but here I let go of all of the students and 2 minutes later I'm chasing my three down the hall!!

It's been an exhausting week, but I would be lying if I told you I haven't enjoyed it at all! First, the students I have been with are super sweet and well behaved. It helps that there have only been 11 students each day, but they all have excellent manners and good listening skills which has made my job much easier! Second, I've actually been working in the class Ellie was in last year, so I know some of the routines. Her teacher was top notch, so all lesson plans have been very easy to follow! Third, I love the feeling you get when you know you have helped a student. It's selfish in a way, but that is one reason people teach, you feel like you are making a difference even if it is in just one student's lives. In one week I could never have an impact like a full time teacher, but it's nice to see the "I get it" look!!

One thing I have noticed this week is that my teaching style has completely changed since I have had children. There is a ton more empathy there than before. I was a tough teacher before and not always very forgiving. I now get the sense that if I were to go back I would still be tough, but I would definitely add in the forgiveness factor. I know my own children have forgotten things for school and I have always been so grateful when the teacher shows understanding. This has helped make my children love school - their teachers have used mistakes as learning times instead of always discipline time.

Even though I am completely exhausted and I'm still not sure I made a good choice teaching this week, I am thankful it is Friday and that I know I still love teaching!!

Happy Friday to all my working friends!!

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