Thursday, May 7, 2009

Teddy Bear Tea!

This week I was able to spend time with Cooper at school during his Teddy Bear Tea! It was fun to watch him interact in the classroom and for the most part, follow his teacher's directions!! I was impressed that he actually danced along to the music and even knew some of the movements (he must have his mommy's sense of dance!! hehe!)! He really doesn't seem to play with too many of the children, and that is one of the big reasons I wanted him to go to school this year. At home, he has two built in friends (El and Eens) and they have always been there. He really doesn't have a clue how to make a friend, so I think this exposure is definitely good for him!! He is also learning to listen to his teachers without crying when they ask him to do something. It seems that if they ask him to stop doing something or tell him that it is time to pick up, he cries (and we're not talking a little sad sob, we're talking a scream like someone cut off my arm scream!!). Of course, he is only a bit over 3 so I know he is learning and figuring out this whole school thing!! By August, he'll be a pro!!
For the Teddy Bear Tea, the teachers asked all of the parents to send in healthy snacks to share. All of the snacks ended up filling two big tables, so much for lunch!!!
The nursery class now has a whopping 28 students...I am so thankful for these patient, caring, and energetic teachers!! I do not envy them at all!!

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