Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Birthday to my sweet Danny and Eens!!

Wednesday, my dear husband and sweet little boy celebrated their birthdays together!! I remember when I found out my due date for Eens was May 31st, I thought it would be fun if he was born on his daddy's birthday!!

In May of 2004, I went to my midwife on the 26th (day before Danny's birthday) and she said that she thought I still had a few more days to go! That night I made Danny his favorite cake (carrot), vaccuumed and cleaned, pretty convinced that my little boy would not be arriving on his daddy's birthday after all! I got up the next day and thought I felt a bit odd, but I dropped El off at nursery and went in to teach my lovely 4th grade class! After finishing with attendance and morning routine, I continued to feel off, but blamed it on being at the end of my pregnancy! Finally at about 9:30 am, I went down and asked the principal if he could get a sub for me because I thought I was possibly in labor. Of course, I told him I would go and teach until he found someone. He quickly thought about it and after recalling another teacher having her water break in front of the class, he sent me straight to the doctor's office! My midwife was surprised to see me back so soon, but sure enough, I was in pretty active labor! She sent me on to the hospital! I remember sitting outside on the bench waiting for Danny to come from work, I was surprisingly calm! By the time we reached the hospital (I fiddled around at home, called mom to drive from Chicago to pick up El, and Danny got some lunch), it was almost 1:00pm! I obviously didn't realize how fast my labor was going because by 2:20 my sweet little Eensie was in my arms on his daddy's birthday!! It was the best birthday present I have ever given anyone!
I'm realizing now as Eensie gets older that having two birthdays on one day is not that easy!! They both want to do different things to celebrate, but we're making it work! On Wednesday, I made Scooby Doo head brownies for Eens to take to school! They required a bit of work on my part, but all was worth it when his face lit up in the morning when he saw them!! For dinner, Eens chose to go to Din Tai Feng, which was a huge surprise, hehe!! He enjoyed his long noodles and his mini jaozi!!
During the afternoon, I realized that I had not made Danny a cake. I didn't want him to feel left out so I pulled one of mom's recipes for Mississippi Mud cake out and then went on a frantic search for cocoa powder. After living here for almost a year, I have learned to improvise, so with the help of many neighbors, we decided that Milo would probably do the trick!! It smelled good, so off I went with my little bag to make a cake! With the help of ayi, I managed to bake the cake, get all of the gifts (thanks to all who sent wonderful presents from the US) out, and supervise about 10 children who were playing with Eensie's new lego sets!!

When Danny got home, we opened gifts! I was very excited to give Danny my gift because I could not believe I was able to keep it a secret. I had arranged a trip for him and his two friends to go to the Shaolin Temple (the birthplace of kung fu) for a weekend this summer!! He was so surprised!! Off we went to Din Tai Feng where I didn't eat too much, because we had plans to meet up with friends for a late dinner!
After dinner we brought the kids back home to ayi and then Danny, myself, and the Milo cake made our way to another favorite restaurant, YY Beer House, to have an adult celebration!! It was a wonderful night full of lovely friends, food, and even a bit of singing!!!

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