Sunday, May 3, 2009

Happy Labour Day!

On Friday, we celebrated International Labour Day here in China! This meant that Danny didn't have to work and the kids didn't have school. We decided not to travel far over this holiday because many Chinese travel and most sites would be very crowded. Instead, on Friday we had a pajama day until late afternoon when the kids decided they should put on their Chinese clothes to celebrate the holiday! They were pretty sure they were going to wear their clothes to Din Tai Feng for dinner until I got a glimpse of Coop. Apparently he has really grown over the past 6 months - his little kung fu outfit was way too small! The pants were almost at his knees and he was wearing a half shirt - I know this fit him when we bought it!! El and Eens were a bit devastated that they couldn't wear their clothes out because it wouldn't be fair for Coop, so I appeased them, promising I would take a picture and show their grandmas and grandpas!!

1 comment:

Nai-Nai said...

Beautiful Miss Ellie, Handsome Eensie, and Cute Mr. Cooper in their Chinese outfits. You must get Coopie another outfit! They look so adorable. Please email a photo so that I might enlarge it or paint the picture. Very, very nice.

Love and kisses from a very proud Nai-Nai