Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Departure Checklist

1.  Over 600 pounds of "stuff" (I'm not sure what I bought 8 weeks ago!!) successfully placed in 11 suitcases and 6 carry ons - Check

2.  Passports safely in the backpack - Check

3.  New cold sore from stress - Check

4.  Anxious stomach and insomnia - Check

5.  More shots to tide us over for another year - Check

6.  Fever reducing drugs for all to take halfway through the flight - Check

7.  Praying for a safe and quarantine free flight - Check

8.  Many tearful good - byes (does this ever get easier??) - Check

9.  Excitement brewing to see dear friends - Check

10.  A smile on my face knowing that we can make it through another year - Check

1 comment:

Laura said...

Happy and safe flight to you and yours! Hope to see ya more than 5 minutes next time! Love ya