Monday, January 19, 2009

What's your animal?

Yes, as we begin to look ahead to the year of the Ox, I couldn't help but do a little research on our family to find out what animal year we were born in. Even more interesting to me were the traits that we each should possess, some were right on and others were way off! We'll let you figure out which ones were on and which ones were off!!

Dan and I are both Rabbits...those born in the year of the Rabbit are articulate, talented, ambitious, virtuous, reserved(hmm), tactful, have excellent taste, and seldom lose their temper (another hmm.)

Ellie was born in the year of the Snake, quite interesting!! Those born in the year of the Snake are known for their vanity, selfishness, stinginess (does that mean not sharing candy with her brothers?!), and a calm suface, but underneath they are intense and passionate!! I'm not so sure about El's!

Eens was born in the year of the Monkey and his is right on!! These people are clever, skillful, flexible, inventive (who made a volcano out of recycled boxes!!), passionate, and strong willed!

Coop was born in the year of the Dog and his traits are supposed to be loyalty, honesty, leadership, and a champion for justice (is this why he tattles so much?!)! I'll have to wait until Coop is older to decide if these are in fact traits he possesses - it's too early to tell!!

If you want to find out your animal, go to Find Your Chinese Zodiac Animal at

Have fun!!

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