Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring, where are you???

I’ve been looking for spring for two weeks, but apparently she is still hiding! We have had snow for the past three Mondays and our temps have only hit 60 a few times in the past couple of weeks. I was looking at our blog from last year and one year ago the temperature was 84 degrees!! I’ve even had my ayi clean all of our winter gear several times only to have to pull it out again. Maybe I will put that task off until May!

I actually have seen some sure signs of spring today. The trees are budding, the grass is turning green, the locals are not bundled in layer upon layer, and they are removing all of the green tarps off of the trees. Spring temps will decide to come eventually, so I will try and be patient. In the meantime, we have had to turn on our central heat because Tianjin has turned off all of the forced heat that came up through our floors. It really isn't a big deal for us, but for many locals this is a cold time, especially at night. They don't have central heating - they rely on the heating provided by the city.

As spring approaches, unfortunately it means a new school term, which means some of our treasured friends are leaving in the next couple of weeks. My heart is breaking once again from realizing that good-byes are right around the corner. Ellie’s best friend Minori will be going back to Japan at the beginning of April because the Japanese school year begins then. I am very sad for Ellie. She is only 8, yet in the past 6 months she has had to adjust to 3 good friends leaving. I know this is part of the gig, but I don’t think it gets easier for any of us. I am very good friends with Minori’s mommy, so I will feel Ellie’s sorrow right along with her. I also have a brave, brave friend from the states leaving this week. She has only been here since November (they were just on a short term assignment), but she has made a massive effort to learn about the culture and be a part of the expat community. She really is amazing!! Then towards the end of April my Beijing shopping pal from Bettendorf will be going back! She is obviously more than just a shopping pal - we know some of the same people, places, and attitudes that go with living in the midwest. I will miss her more than she probably knows even though I only get to see her a few times a month!!

Once again, we are reminded how important it is to cherish our friendships and not take time for granted! I know this new season will bring some sadness, but I plan on focusing on the many, many blessings!

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