Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Time for Praise!!

My favorite time of the school year is in March when the children have their student led conferences. I love spending one on one time with each of my little ones to see what they have been learning and get a feel for what they really love. I want to be able to foster their love of learning as much as I can! They have all had such a positive start to their schooling. We truly couldn’t be more thankful for the school they are at and the amazing teachers who have supported them over the past three years as individuals. The teachers are amazing at really “knowing” the students in their classes. We will definitely miss the small class sizes next year!!

Cooper is having an amazing year in pre-k! He is already reading which completely blows my mind!! I thought I would challenge him with Biscuit books, but he read through them all before I could even do a picture walk through with him. I worried that he wasn’t comprehending, but I know he is because he can answer all of my questions. He also loves to write stories and draw pictures to go along with the stories. They are very interesting most of the time!! He also is a whiz at technology. He was showing me how to use the smartboard during our time together!! We are very proud of his progress and cannot wait to see what he will accomplish next!!

Eensie is also quite the reader and I do realize how lucky I am that he loves to read. With his help we have been able to find quite a few series of books that he enjoys and can read independently. He only wishes he had more time at night to read before bed, but his little brother makes that a bit impossible! Eens is also quite the math superstar!! He is through all of his mad minutes except super challenge. He must get this from his daddy because I was never fast in math! I think he enjoys math because he is a very logical thinker! The most entertaining part of my conference with Eens is always when he shares his writing with me. He is starting to add details in his writing, but sometimes it is not necessary because his pictures are so detailed!! Ethan is an amazing student and I have to say I would love to have him in my class!!!

I've never seen PePere wear a skull shirt, but apparently Eens has!!!
The bigger one is Cooper with his private parts out...I'm not sure what to say or think!

Ellie continues to be a model student! She works extremely hard and always gives 110%. Her teacher this year recognizes all of her work and does a wonderful job praising her, which makes Ellie want to excel even more!! She continues to love reading and we now have to watch the content in books because of the more mature content at her level. She also really enjoys to write which I am so thankful for! She wrote the cutest story about how the earth became round. She then turned the story into a play! El continues to love art and is very particular about all of her designs! She loves to learn and I love to watch her discover all of her potential!

I loved spending time with each of my very unique children! I am so proud of each of them and their accomplishments!

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