Saturday, April 9, 2011

Performing Arts Star!!

Two weeks ago Ellie’s class finished their performing arts unit of inquiry with a fantastic morning assembly!! The children read poems, performed plays, acted out a favorite book, performed a mime, and played individual music pieces! Ellie was in the mime group and did such a wonderful job! She kept explaining the act to me at home, but I really didn’t get it. Once I watched it on stage I could not believe how clever third graders could be. Ellie also played a piano piece that she had composed herself. As I watched her, I was amazed at the grace and self confidence she has acquired since we arrived in Tianjin. A huge part of the children’s curriculum is speaking in front of their peers and adults. I was skeptical in the beginning of why this needed to be such an important piece of their education, but now as I watch my own children thrive, I can totally understand it’s importance in elementary education!

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