Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I know what's in there!!

I rarely see Chinese children flying with us on planes. This is most likely due to the expense. I thought it would be much cheaper to fly domestically here, but it is very similar if not more than flying throughout the US. It probably also has to do with the fact that many families live together, therefore eliminating the need to travel to visit family members. It most likely also has to do with the fact that most locals prefer bus or train travel. One can get almost anywhere in China on a bus or a train if they are willing to sit patiently for days. They are in the process of building the fast train to connect major cities, which will help to make train travel less painful!

I do have a point here!! On our trip to Harbin we had a few small children on our plane. The first thing I noticed was that they had on slit pants. Seeing as we were all going to be on the plane together for the next hour and 45 minutes, I started to panic. Where in the world was that baby going to urinate and perhaps poop?? In my heart I was hoping it was not on the floor or the seat (as I looked at my own seat, I did notice some stains!). Let's just say I was a bit disgusted, but thankful when I watched one mommy carry back a bucket to the toilet. I'm not sure how she "knew" the baby was about to go, but she must have caught it!!

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