Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cooper's conference!!

This year Coop had his first student led conference with me!! He was very nervous about it and basically begged to go home before we even began. Once he realized that it was just him and I, he didn't want to stop when the time was up! I'm not sure how the teachers prepared the children (according to them, the kids did everything!!) for the hour time slot in which they showed us six different activities that they do in class, but it was pretty amazing!! Some of the tasks were simple, while others made me realize how much Coop is learning through all of the play they do in class!
Coopie told me the entire Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See story using magnets. It was a great exercise in storytelling for him!!
Here Coop went through his digital portfolio with me. The teachers do a great job of capturing the kids on video learning in all different manners! We had a good giggle over some of the things he did!!Coop's favorite art activity is to cut paper and use tons and tons of glue!! He made a rocket for me during the conference!

A lot of the time I feel guilty about Coop going to school all day, 5 days a week, but after seeing the progress he has made since August, I think it is all worth it!

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