Thursday, April 16, 2009

Do I have a green thumb?

Only time will tell!! Over the past two weeks I have been spending time at the local flower market testing out my Chinese speaking ability and trying to figure out which plants will grow in this extremely dry climate!!

The plant market we have been going to is huge. I'm not sure how many buildings there are, but on Wednesday we also discovered there is a huge outside market behind one of the buildings! You can buy almost any type of plant, flower, cut flowers, or vases that you can imagine. You can also check out some genetically altered pink frogs if you fancy!!! It is fun to walk around, but very overwhelming. Both times I have been, I have made my "big" purchases from the vendors right by the door who are, of course, more expensive, but also much more convenient!!

This is part of the outside stalls that were selling vases!!

I purchased all of these plants, plus two huge planters for about $30!! I would love to go back and get more, but my front porch and balcony are being overrun by flowers and bikes, so I'm not sure if I have room!!
I have two of these on pillars.
I bought two of these planters and two sets of all the flowers!
The lemon plants are the two big ones in the back! I have no idea what the other flowers are called!!
For now I'll enjoy the fresh scent of lemons everytime I walk to the front door!!

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