I think I am finally Halloweened out!! We spent the greater part of last week and this weekend going to parties and having parties! I realized this year that one of the things I didn't put much effort in last year were special holidays. Most of our friends from other countries make it a point to have parties and "teach" us about their traditions, but I guess I couldn't find the energy!!
My last post was all about the Halloween party we had for the kids last Thursday. On Friday morning I went to the school and helped decorate the gym for the school celebration that night. The turn out was much bigger than the teachers and PFO planned on, which was great, but hectic at the same time. My kids loved seeing their friends and teachers all dressed up! 

On Saturday we went to another American family's house for a cook-out during the afternoon. Thankfully she was just as much in the spirit as I was, with decorations and jack-o-lanterns throughout the house!! After the cook-out we went to the Sheraton for a little party before the trick-or-treating began in our compound! At our house, I had the porch decorated with cobwebs and our motion detector cackling witch! The kids in the neighborhood really got into the whole thing - especially their fantastic costumes made by our tailor!! After the trick-or-treating we invited some families to our place for some chili and family time!!
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