Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Waiting Game...

Thank you for all of the prayers being said for our family. As I told my cousin, I'm sure the gates of Heaven are being stormed right now with prayers for little Cory!! After their visit to the hospital in St. Louis last week, Cory has been diagnosed with a "muscle tumor" which is most likely cancerous. Chris and Michelle are still waiting for the full report, which may come this week as they are back in St. Louis doing more tests. Cory also will have a port put in which will alleviate many needle pricks and allow for them to give him chemo.

Not a day has gone by since I received the email from my mom about Cory, that I have not stopped doing something because my eyes are filled with tears. If I feel like this, I cannot begin to imagine, nor do I want to, how Chris and Michelle must be feeling. The good news is, I know they are both strong individuals and they are ready to battle this nasty disease. They have a huge army behind them, willing and ready to help in anyway we can!

Please continue to pray for Chris, Michelle, Cory, and little sister Mallory as they begin to find a "new normal". Please also pray that the doctors are able to decide on the best treatment plan and that Cory has minimal side effects. It is the season of miracles and we believe that we are about to witness one!!

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