I was shocked at how clean the trains were(this is a subway, but it was much better than some I have been on in the US)! Even the walking areas were fine. We had no trouble finding the trains we wanted thanks to a trusty little Starbucks subway map and the fact that all stops showed both the Chinese characters and the English name. It was brilliant!! As you can tell, I am quite proud of us for navigating the system.
We ended up in Sanlitun just in time to shop before a delicious lunch at one of my favorite Beijing restaurants, Mosto!!
I am very adventurous, but I can only take so much, so later in the afternoon I had my driver pick us up at the Silk Market. I'm pretty sure my in-laws think I am completely crazy for making my driver drive 2 hours to pick us up, but who wants to lug packages on the subway?!
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