On Halloween we decided to host a party for a few of the kids friends. Most people still do not celebrate Halloween like we do in the states, so I did my best to give the kids a party they would remember! Each of the munchkins got to invite 3 - 4 friends over (some had siblings, so we also invited them - I couldn't leave anyone out!)! I put the kids into 3 groups by age so it was easier to manage them. Each group spent about 20 minutes at the three different stations we had set up with games! Thank goodness for all of my mommy friends who stayed to help because they were the ones who manned the stations! Danny's mom was in charge of salt dough ghosts and candy jewelry making! Another station was what we called Pass the eyeball (and when we lost that, pass the pumpkin!!) and mummy wrap. The third station was the Pumpkin Toss and Chopstick Candy Challenge! We all had a great time and before I knew it, the party was over!!

Here is a sampling of some of the foods we served...

My dear friend Karen brought a couple of her super yummy pizzas to share with spider web designs!!

We filled plastic gloves full of popcorn and candy corn for our bat food!

I'm not sure how good these actually tasted, but they were really fun to make!!

My favorite dish of the day were these monster toes. Danny's dad was very patient while he "painted" all of the toenails!!
After we had all eaten more than necessary, we went out to trick or treat in our compound! Our new neighbor organized all of the homes that wanted to participate. I'm pretty sure the kids got more candy going to just 8 houses than they ever have before!! Eens had to leave before going to the first house because he was scared of one of the little girl's costumes - she was a vampire (a very believable one at that!!). To this day, he pesters this girl at school because he swears she had it out for him. Of course, she had no idea he would be scared of her, but he is convinced otherwise. He is very lucky to have such a sweet sister who took his bag with her to collect candy!!
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