We have enjoyed three full days of beautiful, warm weather! Today we hit a high of 84 degrees! Of course, by tomorrow we will be in the 60's, but we'll take advantage of the weather now and spend as much time as we can outside!
Yesterday Coop and I went on a walk behind our compound. There is a little lake and some nice structures there. It is also a fascinating place to people watch! I only wish (as I've said so many times!!) that I understood the language better so I could fully understand what it is everyone is doing! Apparently people can pay to fish in the lake, so there was a stand with fishing rods and bait. Coop was determined to fish - I said no way, and that was the end of it! Maybe Pepere can take him this summer (hint, hint!!)! We watched chickens, roosters, and ducks meander all over. We saw a beautiful golden retriever who had obviously not seen very many white people because the minute we were in his view he stared us down and then started barking pretty loudly. Thankfully the owner was there and took him inside. It's a shame that he wasn't nicer because he was clean and I would have liked to pet him! Oh well!! Coop brought his little big wheel, and all the ladies thought he was so funny riding super fast and pretending to be Diego (we go back and forth between Buzz and Diego!)! I got to be Baby Jaguar - lucky me!!
We hope you are all enjoying the spring as much as we are!! I love to watch all the trees and flowers bloom - I always think of it as a fresh start!!
Please say a prayer for Coop this Friday that all goes well at his 3 year check up with a pediatrician. For those of you who know his story, I'm sure you can understand the anxiety that comes this time of year for me! He is growing like a weed and we have so much to be thankful for!!
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