Three years ago on March 24th, the day started out just as any other typical day. Dan was on his last business trip in Kansas City before I was due with our third little bundle of joy! Ellie and Eens kept me busy with a little bickering, but we made time for lunch at Burger King with friends and a quick trip to the mall to pick up pictures that had been developed! Just as we arrived home, I knew that it could turn into an interesting night because the contractions I had been having all day and ignoring had gained intensity and were getting closer. I called my dear friend Shonna and told her I had to bring the kids over and then I called Danny's mom and dad in Chicago and asked them to come down. Off I went to the hospital by myself with my coat and purse. I still had about 5 1/2 weeks to go, so I assumed I would come home.
I was a bit soon as I got to the hospital they determined that this baby was coming. I interrupted Danny during his business dinner (he was probably bummed out he didn't get to eat his yummy Kansas City steak!) and told him we were having a baby. Thankfully, he was allowed to fly on the corporate jet to make it to the hospital on time. He made it, and shortly after our sweet little (actually not so little - he was six pounds already!) Coop arrived.
The days and weeks after his birth were the most difficult, heartwrenching days I have experienced as a mom. Watching my child fight for each breath was more than I could handle on most days, but with prayers and support from our wonderful family and friends, we fought right along with him. We learned to celebrate the small victories and tried not to fall apart during the setbacks. We rode the NICU roller coaster for five weeks hoping and praying that soon our little boy would be home where he belonged. During the ride, the doctors continuously told us that we would never forget the details, but thankfully, Cooper would never remember. Then, after spending 3 weeks on the vent, a chest tube, 100's of chest x-rays, doses and doses of surfactin, antibiotics galore, high and low blood pressure meds, and a little viagra (yep, you read that right!)...he miraculously came home 35 days after he was born!!
Now, three years later, you would never guess that our little boy ever endured any difficulties after he was born. He is an amazing, active, funny, lovable, stubborn, outspoken little boy. I love watching him grow and discover the world around him. He loves playing with El and Eens best, but when they are at school, I am the one who receives all the cuddles and kisses (and an occassional tantrum!). He adores everything boy...Buzz, Diego, the color blue, trains, Hot Wheels, Legos, and Spiderman!! He is very good at imaginative play, but if he has a choice, he would rather be kicking a soccer ball with his daddy! He is all little boy and I love everything about him (okay, maybe not when he is screaming really loudly in time out, but at least then I know his lungs are healthy!)!
This past week leading up to his big day, I have been extremely anxious for his 3 year check up. Like the doctor said, I do remember every detail...staring at machines and dreading the long walk to his room each morning wondering what his oxygen level was at and what the day would bring. I go into these appointments hoping and praying for good news, which is exactly what we got! He weighs 30 pounds now which puts him in the 25% bracket! Yippee. The dreaded pulse oximeter (it measures pulse and oxygen levels) came out at the very end and he was at 100% oxygen saturation - yeah!! My fears were put to rest and I cannot wait to see his face in the morning when he finds his Buzz car!!
We are very blessed to be the parents of Cooper Li!! Happy birthday Coopie!!

1 comment:
Just an awesome story--every time.
Love the last picture & quote.
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