This Friday at the weekly assembly, Eensie's entire Pre K class was awarded certificates for using their WITTS!! WITTS is an acronym they use for dealing with conflict among their peers.
W = Walk Away
I = Ignore
T = Tell Friend to Stop Softly
T = Tell Friend to Stop Strongly
S = Speak to an Adult
Eens has taught us all about WITTS at home, so I often hear from one of them, "Do you have your WITTS?" I just crack up! But I am thankful that some of the strategies that are used at school can also be used at home. I think this reinforces the behavior and shows support for what is being learned at school!!
This is the director of our school playing the guitar and singing with the elementary students at the end of the assembly. This is just one of the things that make the kids feel at home and comfortable in their environment. They completely respect the teachers and administrators, not out of fear, but because they know they are genuinely cared for...each and every one of them!!
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