Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Winter Walk

Before everyone in this house got sick, Coop and I took advantage of a nice day and walked down to the TV Tower to see all of the winter scenery before it melts away. We walked along the river we usually do and saw many people fishing. I watched one man use a screwdriver and dig into the ice to make a little hole. Then he started using his bare hands to push away the slush...brrrr!! It is pretty bleak here during winter - very grey and dirty because it is so dry. We actually had our first rain since October last week!! The sun does shine more here it seems than in Iowa, but unfortunately the pollution blocks it out! I'm looking forward to spring, but happy I caught some of the winter action before the lakes and rivers melted last week!
I thought I saw buds on the weeping willows while we were walking!! Dan thinks I'm crazy - I think I'm optimistic that spring is around the corner!
Coop just being his cute little self!!
The very social fishermen!! I'm not sure I would trust the ice to have that many people sitting on it - it really doesn't appear to be that thick! They obviously know better than I do! A little chair skating?? People sit on these chairs for one or two people and then they use sticks/screwdrivers to push themselves along - very interesting! In the picture above, they are trying to retrieve a dropped stick!! Coop wanted to join in, but I wouldn't let him near the ice!!

This was the makeshift pay area and the place you could rent skates or four wheelers for that matter - take your pick!!!

I was very impressed to see so many children with helmets on. Most of the time I feel like safety comes last here, so this was a pleasant surprise!!How do you lose your shoe on the ice??? I hope his feet weren't too cold!!

1 comment:

Nai-Nai said...

it is terrific that you do a bit of exploring and see what the local folks do on a nice winter day. Your notes are so interesting! Do try the green tea ice cream though. We had some somewhere and it was quite good. Please stay well....could drive to Iowa but ....
Love and kisses to all.