Monday, February 23, 2009

A Time to Reflect...

The kids received their student reports recently from school. These are only given out at the end of each semester so they will only get them two times! I could not believe how much time and effort went into these reports by the teachers. For each subject, the teacher wrote a very lengthy paragraph specific to the child. My favorite part of the report was at the end, the teacher asked the student to reflect on their learning.

Ethan's reflection...
"Caring means you cannot hit friends. I play nicely with my friends. I don't bite friends. I also play with Oscar. At home I share my tag books with my sister. Cooper doesn't know how to read yet and how to play the games in the book. Ellie, Cooper, and I always stand on the couch and dad does not know. I help my ayi put Cooper to bed but he starts getting wild so I help them."

I cannot wait until he reads this when he is older! He is so sweet and sensitive and brutally honest! It makes me wonder what all he tells his teacher at school!!

Ellie's reflections...
What are your strengths?
"I'm very good at art because I paint a lot. I am very good at reading because I practice a lot. I'm good at typing on the computer because I know how to type my name."
What can you improve (get better at)?
"I can get better at mad minute if I practice my flashcards more."
Pick one IB learner profile and give some examples of how you are this profile. The IB profiles are inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, reflective (and by the way, Ellie can list all of these if you ask her what an IB profile is!!!).
"I'm a risk taker because I moved to China. I tried new foods and started my first day of grade one at a new school too!"

I cannot wait to read what she writes after she has finished the entire year! She has come a long way since kindergarten - most days I cannot believe how much she is learning and more importantly, at this point, enjoying school!!

1 comment:

Nai-Nai said...

I think that this experience has been good for all of you. Yes, it is hard being suddenly relocated to the other end of the world but look at all what you have seen and all what you have learned! I think you are discovering that together as a family you all have the strength to adapt and thrive. I am so proud of everyone and especially of the kids' ability to adjust and enjoy their new surroundings. They are sooooo bright and so sweet. Please give each one a big kiss from us.