Then you should just join in!! That was Danny's philosphy this week as Chinese New Year ended and the fireworks went off non-stop!! On Monday night the fireworks started at 5:30pm and did not stop until after about 2:00am. When I say fireworks, we are not just talking about the pretty ones you see on July 4th or at Disney, there are quite a few of those, but there were also a ton of the ones that you just light to make noise. Danny bought 1,000 little fircrackers bundled together and lit it off - it went off for about a minute, so I'm thinking that other people must be blowing up 1,000's at a time!! It seriously sounded, a bit like what I would assume, a war zone might sound like.
Danny decided to use this opportunity to blow up some of his stuff that he had bought earlier!! We have been told that fireworks are not necessarily illegal, but are frowned upon after Chinese New Year - whatever that means!!! The kids loved watching him and he had so much fun!! Here are some pictures of him in action!!
I'm enjoying your blog, Kimmie. Tell Danny I didn't crap in the tub tonight, either!
I'm glad you are not crapping in the tub!! I don't think Krista would be too happy with you!! How are you??
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