Thursday, October 23, 2008

I Rarely Swear, But...

Yes, if you will be offended, please do not read any further! I will be typing a swear word later on in the posting because I can't stop giggling about this story.

My day started very innocently...I had arranged that Coop would go to Gymboree with Ayi and I would meet up with the other Deere expat wives for a trip around Tianjin. We started off by going to an outdoor "market" where most locals buy their clothes and shoes. I bought 2 very nice scarves for about $5, and I could have bought more if I had the patience to bargain at every booth!! Plus, as you can see from the picture, it is not the cleanest place to buy a bunch of clothing!

Next on the tour we drove through the concession area of Tianjin where there are many different buildings built in the architectural designs of the countries they represent here. The buildings are very well kept and most are now used for government officials according to our guide. During our drive, our guides noticed a horse and buggy, so they decided we needed to take a ride. This is the first horse we saw - have you ever seen a horse actually resting on a sidewalk? I'm not sure this horse is very healthy, but who knows, maybe horses are different here in China!! We decided to let this horse continue it's nap and waited for the next buggy to come along.

Don't you love the dragon spokes?!! The ride was interesting, a little windy, but interesting! We stopped at a restaurant to look around at the furniture which was quite old, a lot of it dated back to the Ming Dynasty! I thought the walls were really cool with broken pottery pieced in! I've decided that it will be a fun place to take Danny's parents when they arrive in a week!

After our horse and buggy ride, we were starving. We were taken to a very famous restaurant here in Tianjin which is called Gou Bu Li (our guides called it "go believe" for us)!! Anyway we get to our private room in the restaurant and we are looking through the menu. All of a sudden one or our guides looks up and asks in all seriousness, "Do you like ass?" I looked up at her and couldn't stop laughing. I looked at the other wives and they were all being polite and looking at the table, but I couldn't help myself, this woman just asked at the dinner table if we liked ass!!! It turns out that she had meant to say ox, but oops... So that's my swearing for today. I'm still giggling about this - I must be desperate for something to laugh at!!

After our yummy meal which contained no "ass", we proceeded to a DIY chocolate place. We never ended up making any chocolate because we were talking too much, but we did taste different kinds and got a box to bring home!

It was very nice to connect with other wives from Deere. I get all giddy when I know I get to speak English all day, especially when I have a local with us who can explain everything!! Also, the topping on the cake for today was that Ayi finally got Coop to take a nap! Most days when I am gone during nap time, Coop convinces Ayi to leave his door open and then he leaves his room and plays!

Hope you are all doing great! I'll have to post later about what we've been up to besides decorating and going on shopping adventures!!


Shonna said...

I can't believe you didn't say "Well yes I do, how did you know?" hee hee You know I would have been laughing right with. I was actually laughing just now.

Miss ya!

Nai-Nai said...

That WAS funny. Good thing you are taking Chinese lessons as I would have just stared.
Can't wait to see you all and the sights. A person I know did recommend the cultural street area and the concession area as places that might be interesting.

Love you and we are stil trying to stuff suitcases. Might have to leave the Lucky Charms though...