Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bu Hao Shui (English translation - Bad Water!)

I have complained many times about the water situation here. It is a wonderful surprise when we actually have hot water in our master shower! The funny or odd thing is, every other faucet in the house produces extremely hot water, but not the shower. The other day I refused to take a luke warm shower so I resorted to the too small bath in our bathroom! I'm sure it was quite a sight! I am about 2 times the size of the tub and the hand sprayer went in all sorts of directions when I was trying to wash my hair. I myself am quite surprised that I took a bath in questionable water, but I was desperate and stinky!!! Here you can see what my life has become....

Now that you can see how close the tub and shower are, how is it possible that they do not use the same pipes??!!! Thus is China!!!

Now many of you who know me well, know that I am super anal about cleanliness, so what led me to the desperation of taking a bath...lamps!! I must feel clean to be on my best for the bargaining that always happens here when I go shopping!! On this day, I was going to Beijing with friends to a little gold mine with lamps galore!! These lamps are all hand made from old Chinese artifacts and they are exquisite!! I only bought two this trip because my girlfriend got the call (they're going back to the US this week!! So sad!) and bought 10 to take with her!!! I was worried about space in the van! This will be a place I will visit often! Below are the two lamps I purchased!!

We are getting back in the swing of things here, but continue to miss our friends and family a ton!!!

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