On Wednesday night, Danny, Steph and I were treated to a special show! The children put on their spring show at school! The theme was “The Circus Comes to Town”! The music teacher did an amazing job this year of combining singing, a bit of acting, dancing, and pure silliness to make it a great show!!
Coop was able to dress up in whatever costume he wanted. I’m sure this will be a big surprise to all of you, he chose Batman! He was thrilled when his BFF showed up wearing Batman also! As you can see, they were very protective over their sweet Lucy!!
Eensie’s class dressed up as the “mane” event, the ferocious lions! Eens had the opportunity to be a box lion, which meant he stood on a box, struck a pose, and didn’t move. To be quite honest, I was a little worried about him because he didn’t even twitch!! The make-up he had on didn’t help matters because you couldn’t even see his mouth moving while he was singing!!

Ellie was a very lucky little girl - she was a show pony! She couldn’t have been happier! She danced to the Mexican Hat with all of the other 2nd graders! She looked very graceful, just like a show pony should!!
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