This past week, the kids and I spent almost 4 days in Bettendorf and I can hardly believe that two years has passed since we moved. It still feels like “home” and that is because of the wonderful friends we have there. Our friends happily give up their time and pull their kids from activities just to spend time with us! We are completely overwhelmed by the love and support that we still get when we go back! Honestly, I imagined that the more time that passed, the more distance would grow between us, but that is just not the case! We have all changed in many ways, but the friendships that we built are still strong!!
While we were in Bettendorf we spent time at the doctor’s office getting check-ups for all of the kids! They are growing like little weeds - El is in the 75th percentile for height, Eens is in the 60th, and Coop is in the 70th! Coop also passed the 10th percentile for weight and is now in the 35th percent!! The only issue that came up was that Coop failed the hearing test for his left ear twice. The doctor was actually hoping to find an ear infection or wax to help explain this, but she didn’t. She explained that one of the antibiotics used to treat sepsis (bacteria in the bloodstream) during his stay in the NICU can cause hearing loss. I’m not extremely worried yet because his speech is very clear, so I am hoping that this was just a fluke. My sweet, sweet sister-in-law works as a physician’s assistant in an ENT office and she is on the case! We are hoping to take him over to Peoria this week at some point and have more tests run on him! Other than that, they are healthy and I am thankful!!!
I do not have many pictures because I spent so much time chatting and the kids were completely in their element with their friends, so I just forgot to snap away!! I’m not sure the camera could have captured the joy that was on the kids faces anyway!! I left as always with a lump in my throat, but this time, there was also hope in my heart that soon we will be back...

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