On Sunday morning Ellie and I woke up to another beautiful blue sky day. She had been begging and pleading all weekend to go ice skating, so we decided that today would be the day (it had to be because we were leaving at noon!!). We found out that there was an ice skating rink within walking distance so we got all wrapped up and set out. It was truly bitter on this particular morning - one of those days when your nose hairs freeze with your first breath, but El was quite the sport and walked the whole way there!!
Once we were at the rink, which was of course just a frozen pond, we paid too much for ice skates, watched a man cook his breakfast over the open fire, and then slid our way to the ice!! It was probably very funny watching El and I! I am not that confident on the ice and Ellie apparently forgot the lessons she had a few years ago in the states!!
Even though we were not the most graceful, we had a ball giggling around the circle!! I love spending time with Ellie. She has the most fascinating spirit. When I'm with her, I can't help but smile and enjoy myself. I love all of our "talks" we have when it is just the girls! And I am so thankful that my 8 year old will still give me tons of hugs and kisses!!
We had a very fun weekend which I'm sure will be one of our best memories of China!

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