We spent several hours at a park called Sun Island. The sculptures here were all made from snow. They were enormous as you can tell from some of the pictures with people in them. I can only imagine that creating these beautiful pieces of art had to be a painstakingly slow process! The details on each and every one of the sculptures was amazing!
This was about 1/3 of a sculpture of the Great Wall.
I thought these were beautiful ladies. You cannot tell in this picture, but I'm sure they were well over 25 feet tall.

This was one of my favorite sculptures because of the hats. It was in a series of approximately 10 sculptures on folk dancing.
Because the weather was a bit warmer, we did see many workers freshening up some of the sculptures on exhibit!

I have always longed for a "street" sweet potato, so I finally gave in while we were checking out the Temple of Heaven sculpture. It was nice and hot, perfect for a winter day!
Ellie opted for the bananas dipped in sugar instead!! Big surprise!!
El and Sophie in front of Mr. Carnival! It gives you an idea of how large these sculptures were!
Down another slide, except at this park they actually cost us money. El and I both went down one slide and it cost almost $7.50 - obviously they were counting on a lot of foreigners to pay this price!!
This giant buddha sat in the middle of a large lake! I decided if the lake could hold this monstrous structure, it could surely hold El and I!!
Here we are getting ripped off once again! I kept trying to ask the gentleman how long the dog sled ride would be because I didn't want the rest of our group to have to wait. In my best Chinese I asked if it would be 5 minutes, "oh no", 10 minutes, "oh no", and on and on. Ellie begged and pleaded enough, so I finally agreed. Less than 3 minutes later and out $7.50, we had made our little journey in one very small circle!!

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