Friday, February 26, 2010
It's coming to an end!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Mommy and Daddy Time
Beach Babes

On to Club Med
I believe I have an addiction, and unfortunately for Danny, it starts with a C!! On Tuesday we left the JW Marriott to go to Club Med Phuket. We would have loved to stay there the entire trip, but when I booked the trip, they were full for the first two nights! Club Med is located on Kata Beach in Phuket. As we got closer to the hotel, the scenery looked a lot like a Carribean Island...there were shacks set up everywhere selling local specialties and most of the restaurants were open air. This was the largest Club Med we have stayed at thus far and it was fantastic once again!!
One reason this trip was extra special for all of us was because our dear friends were vacationing with us!! They were able to get rooms the first two nights through the British website, so they were there to greet us straight away!! We were all absolutely thrilled to be there with them!! They are truly like a part of our family and we couldn’t wait to make tons of beach memories with them away from China!!
Unfortunately we couldn’t entirely escape China!! Many of the mainland Chinese families have begun traveling over holidays and Thailand is a destination spot for them. We caught one father pulling down his little boys’ swim trunks right beside the pool and letting him go potty right there - even though the toilet was less than 10 yards away. Then, the grandma from this same family moved Danny’s beach towel from his chair and proceeded to cut her toenails right beside the pool on his chair. It was a bit much for me, but thankfully Karen was there to laugh with me!! Seriously, some social graces when one is at a resort would be highly appreciated!!
The kids spent hours on end in the swimming pool. It was a perfect depth for them to swim in and by the end of the week, Eens was swimming underwater!! Well done my sweet boy!! Coop recovered quickly once he was reunited with his Lucy and he was jumping off the side and swimming with his life jacket! El learned a new trick and that was to swim with snorkel gear! I’m hoping on our next beach holiday we can take her snorkeling - she loved staying underwater indefinitely!! She’s much braver than I was at 8!
The kids also loved our daily cocktail hour at 4:00! This trip, raspberry blue slushies were a big hit. Also a favorite was Milo with ice!! As for the adults, we enjoyed our beach drinks and just spending time together!!

Coop still recovering...what a sweet little boy when he is sleeping!!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
A bit of paradise in Southeast Asia
Although our arrival in Phuket, Thailand was not exactly as I had pictured it because Coop was so sick, it was still breathtaking. The air was so clean, the sky was a beautiful blue, it was warm (actually piping hot would be a better adjective), and we were on holiday in a place I had only ever dreamed of visiting!! One would probably think that we would become ungrateful of the beautiful places we have had the opportunity to visit, but trust me, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t realize how truly blessed we are. When we decided to make our move to China, Danny and I both agreed that we would make the most of all the traveling we could do. For me, when we go to different countries, I become fascinated with the different ways of life, the different modes of transportation, and the many structures that are vastly different than what we see in the US. I am thrilled that my children have the opportunity to see that people live differently because I can sense their level of acceptance and tolerance is remarkably higher than mine. This is definitely one of the perks of going on an expat assignment!!
For the first two days of our holiday we stayed at the JW Marriott in Phuket. We spent most of our time at the pool because it was perfect for the wee little ones!! We did venture to the beach for a bit, but how do I put it...(sorry friends and family freezing at home), it was too hot!! The temperature was 95 every day with rarely a cloud to be seen, so we were applying sunscreen like mad!! Eens also had a run in with a crab on the beach which sent him climbing up Danny’s leg, so that forced us back to the pool!! I was perfectly happy being lazy and trying to nurse Coop back to health!!
On the second day, after the doctor came, I took El and Eens for a little swim because Eens decided to brave the little slide. I was so proud of him when he finally (after many, many catches by mommy) decided to go down by himself. Of course after that, I couldn’t get him off of it!!
House Call!
Or really I should say, hotel call!!
On Sunday morning when we woke up to begin our journey to Thailand I noticed that Coop felt a bit warm. He had a bit of a cough, but other than that, he was acting fine and ate great, so I thought we were probably okay. I gave him some Tylenol and we went to the airport. He was fine and actually he did great on the planes, which we were on for a total of 7 hours! We arrived at the hotel late and we all went to bed.
On Monday we played in the pool and at the beach all morning and into the afternoon. Then everyone took a much needed nap and we went off to find a shopping mall. At the mall Coop was very grumpy, but perked up after a bit of Tylenol. He kept itching his ear, but I assumed he had gotten water in it at the pool. Thankfully I was sleeping with Coop that night because in the middle of the night his temperature shot up and wouldn’t come down with Tylenol. I put cool towels on his head for over an hour and he drank a whole bottle of water, but he still had a high temp. Of course, I couldn’t sleep because I was so worried about him, so early in the morning I called the front desk and asked for a nurse. It took awhile, but she finally made it to our room at 9:00. She could tell straight away that Coop was not well and when she took his temp and saw how high it was on Tylenol she immediately called the doctor. The doctor talked to me on the phone and asked me what I thought and I told him I was nervous it could be pneumonia because by this time his cough was very bad and had caused him to throw up. The sweet doctor said not to worry and he would be at the hotel in 1 hour.
Sure enough, at 10:00 he arrived with a nurse in tow. I knew Coop really didn’t feel well because the whole time we were waiting he kept begging for a doctor - not typical for a 3 year old!! After the doctor listened very carefully to him, he ruled out pneumonia because his lungs were perfectly clear (yippee!!), however he said he had bronchitis and then he looked in his ear and found the culprit of the temp - a lovely ear infection. I was one relieved mommy - it is really hard being far away from home with a sick child. We were extremely grateful for the doctor and the nurse that helped treat Coop! The whole bill, including doctor, car, nurse, and 4 different meds cost less than $150 - quite cheap for a “hotel” call!! But the most important thing was that within 24 hours Coop was back to his mischievous self!!
Gong Xi Fa Cai
We stayed at the Ascott, as usual, and were shocked to find that yes, even the Starbucks was closed when we arrived. It is just like our Christmas, so nearly everything is shut down. I was quite giddy with excitement for the festivities to begin, so we ordered pizza and pasta with our dear friends and then we took the kids downstairs to eat some dumplings (very traditional food for New Year’s eve!). After that we came back to our room and the practice round of fireworks began.
Sophie and Eens were the big jaozi eaters!! The rest of us just let them eat our part!!
As you can see below - I'm not sure how illegal fireworks are in Beijing as they were being sold right beside a police station!!
Although I only slept a few hours that night, I was so happy to witness the beginning of the lunar year here in China. It is a wonderful tradition and I can’t wait to continue celebrating even when we are back in the states!! I just have to learn how to make dumplings now!!!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Making our contribution
Temple Fair