Monday, September 7, 2009

Winnie the Pooh in Chinese

On Saturday we took advantage of some quality theater here in Tianjin by taking the kids to see Winnie the Pooh Live! I had a hunch that it would probably be in Mandarin, but when we got to the theater I had a bit of hope that just maybe it would be in English when I saw that it was a "real" Disney production and that some of the actors on stage were foreigners! My hopes were diminished when Mickey and Minnie came out speaking the sweetest Mandarin I have heard!! Thankfully we are 14 months into our time here (not that we're counting - hehe) because if this had been last year, we would have left - there would have been no point staying because we wouldn't have understood a thing! This year, thanks to Danny's intense Chinese studying, we got the gist of the show and I could even translate some of it for the kids! I can listen and understand much better than I can speak!
The kids loved eating popcorn and cotton candy. I even got over the fact that I could only understand every other word and was enjoying myself until I got pulled back to reality that yes, we were still in China. About halfway through the first part of the show, a mother or grandma lifted up her little girl and took her down the aisle where no one was sitting and allowed her to squat and relieve herself right in the theater. Dan and I both looked at each other and hoped she was squatting to look for something. Immediately when the lights went on during intermission, I had to have a look for myself. Sure enough, there was a puddle right there on the nice floor where everyone could walk through it. There are a few things that cross my mind when I see things like this, especially when there is a very clean restroom less than 50 yards away.
We didn't tell the kids about the little incident, but we were very clear that shoes must come off immediately when walking through the door!!

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