There were a few things besides Danny being in the US that probably led to my crazed state of mind. First, on Monday I decided to take Coop to the SOS (dr.) to verify that the cough he had had the past week was in fact nothing to worry about and he was fine to go to school. (Last Friday we had another case of swine flu so the school asked us to be extra vigilent in watching for possible symptoms.) We were seen by the doctor quite quickly. She began listening to his lungs and I knew right away we had some problems. She told him to breathe deep and he took it to mean fast breathing. She thought he was serious, so immediately she diagnosed him with asthma. I told her that we have never been told that he had asthma, although we know that it is a real possiblility for him because he was premature. Then she proceeded to say that the cough started as viral and had turned to bacterial and he definitely needed anitbiotics. Okay, so the cough that was nothing got us a prescription for zythromax, an inhaler, an expectorant, and instructions to keep the three year old from physical activity. That last part lasted for a total of 30 seconds after we walked through the door, apparently Coop spends part of his time as Batman and he began "flying" off the couch!!
Not to be outdone by her little brother, Ellie woke up Monday night in tears saying her neck hurt. When we finally pinpointed what hurt, it appeared to be her ear. I cuddled her and assured her that if it still hurt in the morning we would go to the SOS after school. Tuesday morning she said it still hurt, so I made her and I an appointment for after school. It turned out not to be her ear, but an irritated lymph node very close. It was probably inflamed from her cold she had last week. Thankfully she hasn't complained about it for the past couple of days so I am hoping it has resolved itself after we gave her a few doses of ibuprofen.
I tried for the past 2 weeks to use over the counter meds for my nasty sinuses, but since Ellie was going to the doctor I figured it was time to beg for some antibiotics! I think the doctor took one look at me and decided there was no need to beg - she could tell I hadn't breathed out of my nose in 2 weeks and my head was so full of pressure that I could possibly burst, so I got a whole bag full of goodies! I'm still not completely better, but I am getting there!! I think Danny coming home will be the perfect medicine!!
Coop was allowed to go back to school on Wednesday!! He was over the moon to see his dear little friend Isaiah. I had to go to the school for a meeting and when I returned home, my ayi was in tears because the washer had broken for the second time in less than a week. I decided to call our manager and ask for a new washing machine. She was rude to me and said no, so I had to use my evilness and threaten her that she would pay for all of the clothes that the washing machine ruined. I still don't have a new washing machine!!
Thursday was an okay day I think - I really can't remember! All I do know is that all of the agression that was building up I took out on my poor tennis coach! Karen and I are improving quite a bit, so Andy (our coach) was tuckered out by the end of our hour! I'm pretty sure he was even grunting a bit when returning our hits!!
By Friday, my nerves were completely wound up! The day started with Coop throwing a major three year old tantrum for the entire school to see. After 20 minutes of him kicking and screaming and yelling at anyone who tried to help, I finally gave into the urge and had a good cry myself - why not?!! The teachers did not know what to do with me because I am not one to let my emotions get the best of me, especially in public!! I took it to mean that I must feel really comfortable here to let it all off my chest and for everyone to realize although I smile and giggle a lot, I am only human!! Thankfully for skype, I could talk to Jenny and she helped make it all better!!
I ended the day Friday with really good friends and a bottle of fizzy wine! I was only going to serve coffe and tea at our playdate, but after my week, caffeine just wasn't enough!!
And now it is Saturday and I am thankful for many, many things. Among those are, almost completely healthy children (Coop still has a lingering cough), lots of hugs from friends who truly understand and get it, a loving husband who respects my decisions and totally supports me, lots of love from America in many different forms, and knowing this single parent thing is almost over!!
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