I was taking photos of Coop on the way home from school yesterday and I couldn't help but see the resemblance between him and Eens. I have never thought that they looked alike at all, but this one picture captured a certain "look" they both have!! I guess you can tell they are brothers!!

A little school update for you...Coop loves school!! Yeah!! He now goes into his classroom and asks first if they are going outside and then if one of the teachers will read to him!! He is all smiles when I come to pick him up at 12:00 and has recently started telling me about certain children in his class! It is a big deal for Coop to learn someone's name because that means he really likes them. It has helped that we have a new little boy from our compound that started on Monday - it is nice for him to be with someone who is familiar!! He is growing up right before my eyes!!
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