Holidays in China, I am finding, are difficult, yet in some ways easier to celebrate than in the US. For me, they are difficult because I really miss being with my family and participating in all the traditions we have had in place since I was little! I know my family is sitting at my mom and dad's house eating tons of food (even though my mom tries to play it off like it's not a big deal!), catching up with all my aunts, uncles, and cousins, and teasing and loving on each other!! I miss that so much and really can't wait until we can be there again!!
They are easier because there is no commercialism, so much so that I couldn't find plastic eggs or chocolate eggs. My kids didn't even ask if the Easter bunny was coming (he did of course, but it would not have been a big deal if he hadn't). They understand why we celebrate Easter and I think they were thrilled with all of the simple activities we did with our friends!!
Thanks to my dear mom and wonderful sister-in-law, we had four boxes of Easter egg kits to share with the kids in our compound. On Friday my ayi and I hard boiled 45 eggs to dye after school with the kids! Most of them had never dyed the eggs like we do, they typically paint the eggs. We all had a fun time and I was thankful for nice weather so we could do it outside!!
On Saturday we woke up to rain and an egg hunt put on by our compound. We all ventured out with umbrellas and searched for some 200 hard boiled eggs that had been hidden! The rain stopped after a bit and it was a fun time with friends!
Saturday night, Danny and I got to go out for some adult time. We went to a Mamma Mia themed party - scary since I know the lyrics to the entire soundtrack! We probably had a little bit too much fun, especially my dear husband, who had to wake the guards with his friend to get into the gate at the entrance of our compound because it was so late!! Hehe!!
Bright and early Sunday morning our sweet little children woke us up after they discovered that the Easter Bunny, did in fact, find them in China! We played and had a light breakfast before heading to fellowship. After fellowship, we met up with friends and went to a fabulous Easter brunch put on by the Sheraton. I think the pictures speak for themselves...finally a chocolate bunny, loads of sweets, another egg hunt, a bounce house, egg painting, and time with friends!!
I can't find chocolate eggs, but they can find bunny costumes...amazing!!
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend and were able to spend time with your loved ones! We miss you all so much!!
1 comment:
"Mr. Cooper"????!!!! Boy, I bet he has an "in" to be CEO of the Sheraton some day in the not too distant future. Looks like you all had lots of fun over the Easter holiday despite the rainy weather. (Daniel didn't look too happy with his tiny basket in the rain though...hee, hee.) Take care and we are still giggling over Pepere's gee-gee. Love to all!
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