We continue to try and figure out ways to make one day more exciting than the day before! We had to take a break from outings after the zoo experience though, so yesterday I left the ayi home with all three children and I ventured off to WalMart. WalMart is located in the downtown area which is odd, but just like at home, it was packed! I had fun cruising the aisles by myself! I found almost everything I needed, which is hard to believe here. I proceeded to the check out and commended myself for doing such a great job! Not so fast though. I just assumed since this was WalMart, they had to accept credit cards. I pulled out my cute little Mickey Mouse Visa and smiled at the cashier who looked at me and shook his head. Neither of us could understand each other so I pulled out every credit card in my wallet - American Express, Von Maur, Gymboree, none of them would work!! I waited for about 20 minutes while they got a manager who spoke English. She was as sweet as could be and informed me that they only accept Mastercard, the one card I don't have! Figures! I pulled the important things out, like play doh, gel pens, paper for the kids, and had to leave the rest behind! Oh well, it was a learning experience, and now I know the importance of carrying enough yuan!
Today the kids and I met Jennifer and her kids at a swimming pool. The majority of the pools are indoor due to the bad air quality. This pool had a little area for the kids with a waterfall and then a large lap pool. The kids had a ball splashing around and playing with the other kids. The funny thing was we all had to wear swim caps. At first Ethan refused to put it on, but then I think he liked it! Here's a picture of him and Coop back home playing with their new treasures!
They are too cute and very silly!
I mentioned before that we spend as much time as we can outside in the afternoon. Here are some pictures of what I allow my children to play on. I know what you're thinking, but my standards have changed!!! A little rust isn't going to hurt anyone!!!

Also, my family has been asking about what our house (I call it a duplex) looks like! This is a picture from the outside, we are the house on the right! I'll post inside pictures later this weekend!
And of course, this is Eensie's very special bike! He loves to ride and we fortunately live in a gated compound so he can ride all over without worrying about cars!
And last, but definitely not least, my Ellie pretending to be a ballerina!

I'm not too sure that the Olympics are in her future!!
If you watch any Olympic soccer matches, many of them will be played not too far from our house! Enjoy the opening ceremony - I'm sure it will be spectacular!
I'm off to put the littlest St. Martin down for a nap!
I bet all the chinese were saying "dumb American" while they waited in line behind you!! I can see that happening to me in Chicago - my cashier speaking anything but English!! Sounds like most things are going well. Keep laughing. You are awesome with this blog. I check in on you about everyday!!
Love ya,
Your house is beautiful! You certainly get treated like royalty over there, with a driver, an ayi and now a beautiful home in a gated community! Maybe I should move to China! ;)
The boys look so cool in their swim caps. I can't believe how big Coop is now! I'm glad the kids are adjusting well and that you are all making friends over there!
Wow, Kim, I am so impressed with your story already! From the faith, strength and optimism you showed in making the decision to move, to the energy and determination you showed during your move and getting settled in - I am just so in awe over you (and your family)! I've always admired these traits about you and these traits are each being proven again now more than ever before! I am so happy that your new home is feeling more and more like home each day and that your days have already been filled with laughter! Please know I am thinking of you all the time and praying that these last few weeks are just a glimpse into the most rewarding, fulfilling, and memorable adventure of your life! I love and miss you dearly!
Lots of Love,
Kerry (Ben and Liam)
I love reading about your adventures! You really are inspirational--you have such an open heart and a curious, steadfast spirit. It sounds like you are creating such a positive environment for your kids while they explore their new surroundings.
Will also loves the blog. He loves looking at the pictures while asking, "Kid doing?" He also insisted that we show him "Miss Kim" several times today. A crush?!
Thanks for the frequent updates--love 'em!
Love, Aimee, Ben and Will
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