Yes, it was bound to happen, my dear daughter took her first real tumble off of her bike yesterday. She actually landed in a rosebush of all things!!! Her leg, as you will see below, took the brunt of the fall! Sweet Ellie aslo learned a very valuable lesson that I think will last! The reason she fell was because she chose not to follow the rules and then lie - ouch. We have some very sketchy sidewalks behind our houses that lead to a park. She was with her friends and they wanted to go to the park. We allow the kids to go to the park, but they have to walk, not ride their bikes. El rode her bike and crashed right into the bush. I was chatting in the management office so I had no idea she had fallen. When I was walking back home I see her little Japanese friend waving at me saying "Ellie". I smiled and said that it was okay if Ellie played at her house. I continued walking. I look around and the mom is running after me (they do not speak much English) and motioning for me to come in. I realize finally that she does not want me to come in for tea, something is wrong. I walk in and there is El on their couch bandaged up. They were all distraught!! It really looked worse than it was! I brought her home and started cleaning her up. She told me she fell on the road, but I noticed that there was mud on her legs. I probed a little more and the truth spilled out in sobs. "I'm so sorry I lied to you mommy, I rode my bike down the sidewalk and I fell. I know you are so mad at me. I'll never do it again." I did the worst thing a parent can do, I was completely calm and nice. She kept screaming and wanting me to get mad, but I refused. When the drama ended, she asked why I was so nice about her lying, and I told her that I was upset with her for not following the rules and then lying, but I thought that she had learned a valuable lesson. What I failed to mention to El was that I, too, had done something very similar when I was her age!! My mom and dad told me I couldn't ride past the cemetery (yes, that was the border), but I disobeyed with my friend and we ended up getting chased by huge dogs all the way home. I never ever rode my bike past the cemetery again!!!

The leg...

The culprit!
I think I have finally decided what to do with Coop this year!! I went to another preschool yesterday, only to learn that only one person spoke English. I don't really feel comfortable leaving him unless he can communicate his needs. We then went to Gymboree Play and Learn. It was so clean and the classes sound like so much fun! I never got to go with El and Eens because there wasn't one close to us. I do have to go to class with him, but I think it will be a great opportunity for me to meet other parents of 2 year olds. If I understand correctly (I'm never 100% positive), 90% of the staff speaks English, but the majority of the children are Chinese. It may also prove to be great for Coop and I to practice our Chinese! We will go to 2 classes a week - I think music and gym! Then I decided on the days I volunteer, I will leave Coop with ayi. He absolutely loves her, and I know she loves him too! I think this will work, but we'll see!!
Could you leave this sweet face 5 days a week at preschool?!!!!
We need to say a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JENNI!!! Our little puppy turned 10 years old this month (we're not sure of the exact day since we got her through the Humane Society!)!! Rob and Steph are spoiling her so much more than we were able to! Steph went and bought her a doggy cupcake for her birthday! We love you two so much and are so thankful you are taking care of Jenni! Rumor has it that they may actually be enjoying her!!
I'm not so sure she really needs that cupcake!!
Other little bits of information that I am finding out are...manicures and pedicures are fun to have in your house, we are able to sign up for cable (Nick, Cartoon Network, ABC, NBC, etc...), and having dinner cooked every night for you is a true treat! However, none of these things can ever replace our wonderful family and friends in the States!! We miss you! I'll leave you with a few pictures from today!

1 comment:
Hi Kim,
It looks like you guys are doing great! Aside from a few typical mishaps here and there. :) I am so enjoying your blog and especially all the pictures of your little cuties. What an exciting life you have! We look forward to many more updates and postings as you continue on your journey. Best wishes!
Love from the States, Cari
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