Our sweet Coopie turned five years old two weeks ago!! Where did the time go? I still see his baby face and he assures me that he is still my little baby, but truth be told, he is a big boy now!! He loves the fact that he is five and has told me many times that if he weren’t five he would probably cry about certain things, but now he is too big for that!!
Although the memories of his first five weeks of life grow more and more distant as time goes by, I still can’t help but treasure every birthday he has!! We are so thankful that he is full of life, happiness, and health!!
To celebrate his birthday this year he had chosen a Toy Story theme all the way back in the summer. When I reminded him that he was having a Toy Story party, he was a bit upset, but then we came up with some ideas and games and he slowly warmed to the idea. I don’t have the luxury of waiting to figure out what theme the kids will be into close to their birthdays so I try to have them pick things that are not too trendy!!
Coopie and I found several games all relating to the Toy Story theme on the internet. When the children all came in, they decorated Mr. Potato Heads (which Danny and I had cut out all the parts for late into the night, the night before!). Then, I made a big alien missing one eye and we played pin the eye on the alien. After that we headed over to Woody’s shoot out where we used Nerf guns to knock down paper cups (even some of the moms were eager to give this game a go!)! Next we went to the “claw” which basically consisted of a bowl with lots of plastic Toy Story toys in it. The children had to use chopsticks (I’m not sure I have a party where chopsticks are not used in some capacity!) to pick up as many as they could in 30 seconds! The kids all really enjoyed themselves and were cheering each other on! After that the children went to the Pizza Planet to decorate their own pizzas. While those were cooking the kids played a little Toy Story bowling - once again using those little plastic toys, which Danny always claimed were a waste of money!! We also played pass the parcel to You’ve Got a Friend in Me!! And our final activity before eating and digging into the delicious cake that Danny had made of the evil Dr. Porkchop, was a moon rock hunt!! Ellie helped me wrap little toys and candies up in foil to look like moon rocks. She then hid them all over the second floor where the kids found them! I think they loved this because they got to unwrap them all and discover goodies inside!! I’m pretty sure all the kids had a good time and this mommy was definitely exhausted when the party was over!! Coopie loved having all of his friends over and I think he could quite easily get used to all of the attention!!

On his actual birthday, he celebrated with his school friends during the day! He wanted a doggy cupcake cake to take to school. Thank goodness for the internet because we were able to find a fun and easy cake that he loved!! Danny was away for business, so when he saw my creative design he was quite impressed!
Coop requested breakfast for dinner that night and we all had a great time playing with all of his new toys!!
Happy birthday sweet Coop!! We love you to infinity and beyond!!

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