Sunday, January 16, 2011

One Big Blessing!

On the first Friday we were in the states I had arranged an appointment with our ENT to have Coop’s hearing rechecked. He has been doing amazing in school with the few interventions they have in place (front and middle seating, buddy help, and a very clear teacher!), however I was still worried about kindy placement, especially if we are back in the US. Right now he is in a class of 13 students with a head teacher and a full time teacher’s assistant. I know when we come back, his class size will be much larger and I needed to know if we would have to request anything special for him at his new school.

He once again did not pass the OAE, which is a computerized test that measures if he can hear certain pitches. He has difficulty with the high pitch sounds. This is most likely the result of the antibiotics he was on in the NICU. However, he passed with “flying colors” his auditory play test!!!! The ENT was very happy with his results and does not think anything needs to be done at the moment for his schooling. No paperwork - yeah!! He just said that we will watch him and if there are ever concerns, we have a place to start!

I am so thankful for Coop! He doesn’t like to be treated differently and I do think he will have a little difficulty transitioning back into life in the states. By the time we come back, Coop will have spent more of his life in China than in the US! Maybe he will make lots of friends really fast if he wears these scary teeth!!

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