Of course, you do know I mean soccer!! Yesterday Eensie started his second season of club soccer at school. They practice every Saturday until the end of November (brrr)! They do have a few weeks off here and there due to all of the Chinese holidays. Eens was a bit apprehensive about playing this year, which shocked me because last year he loved it. When I dug a little deeper, the issue that arose was that he didn't want to walk to the field (which is about a ten minute walk), he wanted our driver to pick him up!! Oh, he so takes after his mother! We worked that out easily and he went off happily with his daddy!

Danny said the practice went great. They spend about 30 - 45 minutes on drill work and then they play a match. This year Ethan's class is paired with the kindy, which makes him feel like the old pro! He is very gentle when he plays in the match, but Danny thinks his skills are definitely improving from last year! They went out to practice today, only to be attacked by mosquitoes!! I'm so happy that Eens has something that only he does - he gets all the attention and praise!
However, that does not mean that Cooper doesn't try to take away some of that attention! Like any well meaning younger brother, Coop completely stole the limelight when we went to Lucy's birthday party and he wore Eensie's shin guard socks. He didn't care that they were sweaty and he didn't care that he didn't play soccer that morning. He only cared that he looked cool!! Eens was thankfully a good sport about it and just ignored him! I can only imagine how tough Coop will be when he is old enough to get on the field!

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