On our final day at Disney we spent the entire day at Magic Kingdom - my absolute favorite!! Once again, we talked dad into getting up early and going for the early morning magic hours. Two days in a row of this means he must really love his grandchildren!! Although the park was extremely busy, even during the early morning hours, we rode and saw everything we wanted!! Coopie rode his first “big” roller coaster, Big Thunder Mountain! Eensie declared that, “he is not a roller coaster kind of guy!” and he preferred the Transit Authority, which is the slowest ride in Disney!! But, the great thing about that ride is that there is rarely a wait so he can ride as many times as he wants!! Coop was heartbroken when he was too short to ride on Space Mountain - I was thrilled because I was even scared on it!! I told him he can ride the one in Hong Kong because it is much easier, so that made him feel a little better. He continues even now to ask me when he can ride the roller coaster Poppy (his dear friend from nursery!) rode!! I think part of the reason he was so upset was because a girl got to ride Space Mountain and he didn’t!! Poor kid!!
I can't believe my baby went on this ride - as we were going down the hill he was chatting away and told me to look over at some other rides. I'm screaming and he's talking, how funny!
I was a little bit sad during this visit that the kids pretty much skipped over Fantasyland, except for the Peter Pan ride. Ellie is not interested in the princesses at all, so I guess this saves us some time from chasing them down and waiting in line to take pictures, but it just makes me realize how fast she is growing up! I am proud of her for being patient and riding the rides the boys wanted to ride in between all of her “big” rides!
Another thing we did this trip was to collect pressed pennies throughout the parks instead of getting autographs from the characters. We did wait and take pictures with some of their favorites, but I knew it would be really busy and waiting in line on a hot day did not sound that appealing to me when I was planning our trip!! The kids loved the pennies and they could each get different designs at each station - this allowed for their very individual personalities to shine through!!
We had a very wonderfully, full three days in Disney, and of course, I cannot leave without knowing when I will be going back!! We will once again enjoy the magic at the end of September in Hong Kong - we have a two day layover on our way to Bali!!
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