Last summer the kids and I started to build a dollhouse while we were at my mom's. I assumed at the time that we would finish it before we went back to China, but with a full summer of playdates and swimming, we only were able to build it and paint some of it!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Unfinished Business!!
Last summer the kids and I started to build a dollhouse while we were at my mom's. I assumed at the time that we would finish it before we went back to China, but with a full summer of playdates and swimming, we only were able to build it and paint some of it!
Baby News!!!
As you can see, Steph is absolutely glowing with happiness and Rob has committed himself to being a stay-at-home dad next summer while he is off work!! Congratulations - we love you both!!
And here is one of the first pictures of the sweet little baby!!
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Story of True Love!!
I feel a bit responsible for the happy couple...their love story began over the summer of 2007. I had my hands full with three kids 5 and under, Steph had just finished undergraduate and was waiting to start her teaching position in the fall, and we were beginning to train for an October marathon! Danny came up with the idea that Steph could live with us and nanny for the summer while we were training!! Before she arrived at our house, she went on a little jaunt across the pond to Europe with one of her best friend’s! Our parent’s gave each of us a sum of money when we graduated college, three of us were practical and used it to help purchase cars, but Steph (always a bit difficult while growing up!) made the decision to keep the clunker that she had been driving throughout college and flew off, unbeknownst to her, to find the love of her life!!
When Steph arrived at our house I could tell there was something going on. She didn’t come straight out and say anything, but she began spending a lot of time on messenger. By a lot of time, I mean she would start around 7:30 and go until at least 11:00pm! I finally got it out of her on a run that she had met a guy who was on the same tour as she was. I joked with her that she had met the man of her dreams, who hailed from upstate New York, in Paris! At the time it seemed like a summer crush, even though she reassured me that it was more!
We talked a lot that summer while out running up to 20 miles, and as time went on, I began to realize that as strange as it seemed, this may be something big! Steph and Jeff both seemed committed to trying to make it work despite the miles! As fall came, they started flying back and forth to see each other for long weekends, and then sometime after Christmas, Steph announced that Jeff was moving to Morton, Illinois to be with her!! Me, being a bit of a skeptic, pointed out that he didn’t have a job, she had a tiny apartment, and they didn’t really know each other. But, apparently they knew what they were doing because within a month of him arriving, he had a job, they got a bigger apartment, and they were both over the moon happy to be together!
A year after they began living together, Jeff “popped” the question and the planning began! On July 17, 2010 my baby sister became Mrs. Stephanie Bishop!! Welcome to the family Jeff and congratulations to you both!!
We were so blessed to spend the day with Steph and Jeff. Every last detail was absolutely perfect. They wanted a happy, colorful, joyful event to celebrate their love and that is exactly what they got! We cried, we laughed, we chatted, we sang, and we danced all night long!! I’m pretty sure the pictures will speak for themselves...

Friday, July 23, 2010
Pre-wedding Jitters?

After our nails were finished (complete with flowers on the big toe!), we prepared for the rehearsal and the dinner hosted by Jeff’s lovely parents! The rehearsal took a bit out of me because Danny was still up in Chicago recovering from his 30 some hour trip to get back from India, so I was on my own! I’m used to having my mom help me, but she had her own duties, so I tried (rather unsuccessfully) to corral the boys! They did walk down the aisle, but I was not convinced it would go well on Saturday!!
Once we all arrived at the rehearsal dinner, it was time to relax and meet some of Jeff’s wonderful friends and relatives who came from upstate New York to celebrate with them! The dinner was at Jim’s Steakhouse, which is a cook your own steak restaurant! We had our own private room with a huge grill and salad bar just for us! Gaging from the huge steaks that were thrown on the grill, I can comfortably claim that no one left hungry! Jeff’s parents, Therese and Kevin, went over the top on making everyone feel welcome. They even provided the children with buckets full of activities to keep them busy! Coop was most impressed with his whoopie cusion - I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I had to blow that thing up!! Thanks Therese!!
After a great night’s sleep, with our tummies full and excitement in the air, I slowly woke up to the marimba sound on my iPhone! Ellie and I were meeting all of the girls to get our hair done! Mom brought bagels and mimosas to set the atmosphere and we all giggled in the end because although we told our stylist we wanted something different, we all had the same hair style!! I felt like I had a little beehive on top, but after some smashing and pulling of loose strands, I felt a little more comfortable! Steph’s hair was gorgeous and that was a good thing!!
After our hair was thoroughly sprayed, Ellie and I went to check into the hotel, and then back to mom and dad’s for a quick reunion with Danny!! I was so thankful that he safely made it down!! He was a bit tired, but in good spirits! It was such a nice feeling knowing he was there - a little pressure was off of me to keep the kids in line!!
Next stop was the church!!
He's Got the Whole World
In his hands!! This has always been one of my favorite Sunday School songs and I couldn’t help but hum along as the kids were playing with this huge sprinkler globe!! As I watched the ball get thrown and kicked, I thought about how sometimes in life, we get tossed around a bit. I try to remember that these bumps in the road lead somewhere and there is a reason we have to hit them. Many years ago, Danny and I made the decision that he would go to business school in New Hampshire. As excited as I was for the adventure Danny and I were about to embark on, I had no idea how I could live without my family being within a 2 hour drive! We spent two years tucked away in the mountains and made some of the best friends of our lives and were blessed with our beautiful Ellie. I cried a lot and laughed a little during her colic with some of the best mom’s I know. After Danny’s graduation, we made the trek back to the Midwest to be closer to family. I was incredibly blessed with a fourth grade teaching position that I loved, while Danny began the climb up the corporate ladder. I know that he made many sacrifices to get us closer to our families, but, in the end, we loved Bettendorf and to this day consider it home! Our two bouncing baby boys were born here and so were many memories as a family of five!! I realize we were supposed to be close to family at this time because when Coop was born and spent his first five weeks in the NICU, we leaned on our families heavily. Ellie and Ethan were loved on completely at home while Danny and I could expend all of our energy fighting for Coop!! After Coop came home from the hospital, we knew the possibility of a transfer was in our future, but we had no idea when. I am so thankful that we had two years to build up his immune system and his lungs before we got the unforgettable call that we would be moving to China (one of the most polluted countries in the world!)! Much care and consideration went into the final decision, but as I look back, the path was carved for us and all of the bumps we had hit, prepared us for this next big adventure!! As we enter back into a season of unknowns (we have no idea when we will get the call that we are coming “home”) I am happy to be held in His hands wherever in the world that might be!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Happy Birthday to All!!
It is a sad, but true fact, we have not been able to celebrate any birthdays over the past two years with my sister’s children on their actual birthdays. I decided that we should just celebrate all of the kids birthdays in July - why not?? Stores have Christmas in July sales, so why can’t we have birthdays in July for everyone?!!
Last Tuesday, my sisters, nieces, nephew, brother, and mom all went to the mall and invaded Build-A-Bear for our Birthdays in July party!! All of the kids made some sort of animal, we had them all, a dog, horse, monkey, kitty, and a bunny, but go figure - no bear!! Gilly will build one next year, this year, she was the proud recipient of a paw brush!! She did not care at all!!
After all of our “building” fun, we all went out to lunch together! I’m not sure if it is apparent, but I love each and every moment I get to spend with my family!!!